
Vivian Wong headshot



Vivian Wong received a 2007 Spectrum Doctoral Fellowship and is pursuing her degree at the University of California, Los Angeles. She holds an M.F.A., Directing from the School of Theater, Film and Television, University of California, Los Angeles and a B.A. in East Asian Studies from Bryn Mawr College.

Her research interest lies in the theories of information gathering and preservation, as well as the practice itself of gathering and preserving such information, particularly in the Asian American community where she has done prior work in film. In addition to being a filmmaker, Vivian works in a media center, housed in the UCLA Asian American Studies Center, whose mission is to use new emerging digital technology to document and preserve the history and experience of ethnic communities under-represented by mainstream media. She would like to build upon her experience with digital technology as it applies to Information Studies. Vivian is interested in the way technology intersects with information preservation, acquisition, and access in the Digital Age; how such technology has impacted and will continue to change Library/Informational and Archival practices. Furthermore, she would like to explore how these practices are translated and applied in Asian American communities as they document and preserve themselves and their histories in formal institutions, local organizations, and family collections. In addition, she wants to continue her work and research in personal archive collections. “Homecoming” was the first in a trilogy of films Vivian is producing about her family. Moreover, and more significantly, she also wants to build upon the interest that was sparked working with her own family’s collection of photographs and film footage to expand her scholarship and research, emphasizing the preservation of diverse communities to bring them into the cultural and historical fold for posterity.

Awards Won

Title Year
The future is overdue (-Spectrum Scholarship logo) Spectrum Doctoral Fellowship (historical)


An IMLS funded project in 2007, 2008, and 2013 designed to increase racial and ethnic diversity among our profession’s next generation of LIS leaders.
2007 - Winner(s)