Restorative Commons: Creating Health and Well-Being Through Urban Landscapes

ed. by Lindsay Campbell & Anne Wiesen. U.S. Forest Svc, Publications Distribution. .2009.278p. illus. maps. SuDoc # A13.88:NRS-P-39. pap. Free



available at

This collection of case studies, thought pieces, theoretical essays, and interviews on enhancing health, well-being, and community empowerment through urban green spaces is an inspiring resource for anyone interested in urban landscapes. Entries assess, for example, the effects of a program teaching horticultural skills to Rikers Island inmates and the impact of the country's largest community garden program. The "before and after" images of urban wastelands transformed into places of beauty are powerful.

Awards Won

Title Year
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To recognize excellence in government publications, identify documents of distinction, and commend
individual works of superlative nature.

2009 - Selection(s)