A Regression-based Approach to Library Fund Allocation

William H. Walters
LRTS, vol. 51, no. 4, October 2007, pp. 263-278



In his award winning article, William H. Walters presents a novel regression-based method of weighting and combining variables to develop a funding allocation formula. The resulting allocations are equity-based, assuring those academic departments that are similar in nature receive similar support. Mr. Walters is commended for a significant contribution to a topic with a long history of discussion in the professional literature and for explaining the particulars of the statistics involved in a clear, understandable and logical fashion.

Awards Won

Title Year
Edward Swanson Memorial Best of LRTS Award


The Best of LRTS Award is given to the author(s) of the best paper published each year in the official journal of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, Library Resources & Technical Services.
2008 - Recipient(s)

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