Nicholas Spillios

image of nicholas spillios



Barbara T. Mates, chair of the 2012 Horrocks-Scarecrow Press Award Committee, stated, “Nicholas was chosen for his demonstrated work with (ALTAFF), (PLA) and and for his commitment to continue his involvement with the RMRT by running for office. It is his desire to work to forge relationships with ALTAFF with the goal of raising the visibility of RMRT.” Prior to retirement Nicholas served in the position of supervisor, learning resources services, and in retirement as a library board trustee and chair of the Edmonton Public Library. Nicholas is also past president of Friends of Canadian Libraries.

Awards Won

Title Year
horrocks.jpg Norman Horrocks-Scarecrow Press Annual Conference Award


This award was established in 2011 to honor the accomplishments of Dr. Norman Horrocks, who contributed to throughout his life and was a member of the Ad Hoc Committee that worked to establish the RMRT. The travel grant will help retired members of the RMRT to defray the costs of attending an Conference.

2012 - Winner(s)