Neil Gaiman

Born in England, Gaiman is a United States resident. His work has been honored with many awards internationally, including the Newbery Medal. He is credited with being one of the creators of modern comics, as well as an author whose work crosses genres and reaches audiences of all ages. Gaiman is a prolific creator of works of prose, poetry, film, journalism, comics, song lyrics, and drama and a vocal defender of the freedom to read.

image of Neil Gaiman


Awards Won

Title Year
May Hill Arbuthnot May Hill Arbuthnot Honor Lecture Award


The May Hill Arbuthnot Honor Lectureship is a unique collaboration between several groups of people—the committee, the chosen Lecturer, the ALSC staff and Board of Directors, and the host site coordinators. The result is an exciting opportunity to celebrate and add to the knowledge and scholarship in the field of children’s literature. Publication in Children & Libraries: The Journal of the

Association for Library Service to Children ensures the lecture will be a lasting contribution that is available to a broad audience.

2019 - Winner(s)