
supervisor of the Campus School Library at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo (MI).



Miss Lowrie plans to use the award to continue her study at Western Reserve University where she is working toward a Ph.D. degree. She expects to make a survey of ten school syustems in various parts of the country which have outstanding elementary school library programs. The survey intends to show ways in which the teacher and librarian, working together, may enrich the curriculum and stimulate the habit of reading for enjoyment among children of the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades.

Miss Lowrie recieved her B.S. in LS from Western Reserve University and her M.S. from Western Michigan University.

Awards Won

Title Year
Dutton-Macrae Award for Advanced Study in the Field of Library Work with Children and Young People


Designed to give the recipient an opportunity for formal or informal study of some aspect of the field that will be beneficial both to the person and to library service.

This award was reestablished in 1952 by Mr. Elliot B. Macrae of E.P. Dutton Company and given to the A.L.A. as part of its centennial celebration.

1957 - Winner(s)