LeRoy C. Schwarzkopf

LeRoy C. Schwarzkopf headshot



LeRoy C. Schwarzkopf, a charter member of GODORT, is the 1992 James Bennett Childs Award recipient. Mr. Schwarzkopf has been an active member of GODORT in several capacities since 1972 and holds the distinction of probably being the only GODORT member to have attended every single Midwinter and Annual Conference of since the first GODORT meeting. He served as editor of Documents to the People from 1978 to 1982 but was an active participant in the development of DttP from about 1975. As editor of DttP, he worked tirelessly to bring information about GODORT activities, Federal information policies and legislation to the attention of GODORT members. Frequently, if there was an important event or topic and he could not find a volunteer to write an article, he would do it himself to assure that the information was covered in DttP. Even before he became editor, his contributions to DttP were recognized by a special "Editor's Award" in 1977. Long-time DttP readers will remember his "Unclassified News from Washington" and "News from GPO" columns that ran from 1975-1983.

Since his retirement from the University of Maryland in 1983, Mr. Schwarzkopf has continued to write and publish. He now produces a column for Government Publications Review on "News from Washington". He authored the chapter on "Government Publications and the Depository System" for the ". He authored the chapter on "Government Publications and the Depository System" for the Yearbook from 1978-1990. He has prepared the column "U.S. Government Publications" for The Booklist since 1972. Mr. Schwarzkopf is also the author of three major books on government publications and for one he is preparing his 5th edition! These include Government Reference Books, 1982-83 ed., 1984-85 ed., 1986-87 ed., 1988-89 ed., and the 1990-91 ed. which will soon be published; Guide to Popular U.S. Government Publications (1986); and Government Reference Serials (1988).

In the early years of GODORT, the slogan "Documents to the People" was adopted. Mr. Schwarzkopf, in his work for GODORT and in his publications, truly exemplifies this motto. His tireless dedication in bringing information about government publications and Federal information policy to the attention of government publications librarians as well as the library world has had a significant impact in assuring that information on government publications is available to everyone. The Childs Award is presented to an individual who has made a lifetime contribution to documents librarianship. Not only does LeRoy Schwarzkopf meet this criterion but his many contributions exemplify the high ideals and standards manifested in the work of James Bennett Childs.

DttP v. 20, no. 2, p. 72

Awards Won

Title Year
image of James Bennett Childs James Bennett Childs Award


The James Bennett Childs award honors an individual who has made a lifetime and significant contribution to the field of documents librarianship. Contributes may be based on stature, service, and publications in any or all areas of documents librarianship.

1992 - Winner(s)