June Garcia



The jury for the 2019 Melvil Dewey Medal is delighted to honor June Garcia for her many accomplishments during a long, varied and distinguished career as a public library administrator, author, trainer and consultant, and advocate for public libraries at the international, national, and local levels. Among her achievements are June Garcia’s outstanding service to the profession as branch library administrator for the Phoenix Public Library and director of the San Antonio Public Library; her impact in strengthening our public libraries by developing tools to plan, measure and evaluate library services and leading countless workshops to train librarians and trustees how to manage, staff and create policies focused on results; her key role in creating and developing INELI (International Network of Emerging Library Innovators), a hugely successful component of the Gates’ Foundation’s Global Libraries program that has trained more than 400 mid-management library leaders from all parts of the world; and her extensive contributions to through service on the Council, Freedom to Read Foundation, and Public Library Association; and her role as mentor and role model to countless colleagues.

Awards Won

Title Year
Image of the  Medal of Excellence Medal of Excellence


An annual award consisting of a bronzed medal and a 24k gold-framed citation of achievement for recent creative leadership of high order, particularly in the fields of library management, library training, cataloging and classification, and the tools and techniques of librarianship.
2019 - Winner(s)

Press Releases