Habitats of North Dakota

by Gwyn S. Herman & Láveme A. Jobnson. Nortb Dakota Studies Project, www.ndstudies.org/resDurces/babitats/list.html. 2008.
illus. maps. ea. vol: pap. $3. Includes:
Badlands. 70p. ISBN 978-0-9801993-2-1; Prairie. 62p. ISBN 978-0-9801993-1-4;Riparian Areas. 68p. ISBN 978-0-9801993 4-
5; Wetlands, 58p. ISBN 978-0-9801993-0-7; Woodlands. 62p. ISBN978-0-9801993-3-8



To promote teaching and learning about wildlife conservation and resource
management, the North Dakota Studies Project issued these engaging texts developed for students at a fourth-grade reading level, but appropriate for older elementary-school students as well.

Awards Won

Title Year
image for GODORT awards Notable Government Documents


To recognize excellence in government publications, identify documents of distinction, and commend
individual works of superlative nature.

2009 - Selection(s)