


Deana Groves is the Education Catalog Librarian at the Western Kentucky University located in Bowling Green Kentucky. She obtained her Master of Library and Information Science degree in 2003 from the University of Hawaii. Deana has worked on many NMRT committees and currently serves as co-chair for the Scholarship, Research and Writing Committee and is the liaison for the International Relations Round Table. She was recently appointed as an intern to the Awards Committee and is also an active member of the Kentucky Library Association where she chairs the Academic Section ACRL Committee. Deana will spend her time at the Annual Conference volunteering and attending meetings in order to learn more about the internal workings of in order to advance her leadership role within NMRT.

Awards Won

Title Year
NMRT Professional Development Grant


The purpose of the NMRT Professional Development Grant (previously sponsored by Mango Languages) is to encourage professional development and participation by new members in national and NMRT activities.
2008 - Winner(s)

Press Releases