Complete Copyright: An Everyday Guide for K–12 Librarians and Educators

by Carrie Russell, director of the Program on Public Access to Information in the Washington D.C.-based Office for Information Technology Policy. She is a policy analyst on such topics as copyright, e-books and accessibility to information for people with disabilities.



"Complete Copyright for K–12 Librarians and Educators" encourages librarians to play a leadership role at their schools by advocating for the information rights of educators and students. The book was selected as the award winner for its unique approach to the copyright law, emphasizing the role of K-12 librarians in maximizing fair use through critical thinking rather than focusing on arbitrary guidelines and old institutional policies. Her work has been described as “refreshing to read” and “having universal appeal and applicability,” despite the challenging nature of copyright law. Russell’s examples and coverage of non-print formats makes for a very handy primer on copyright for its target audience.

Awards Won

Title Year
ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Award for Best Book in Library Literature


To recognize those who improve management principles and practice, understanding and application of new techniques, or further the education of librarians or other information specialists.
2013 - Winner(s)