Carrie Kruse

Director of College Library, User Experience, and Library Spaces at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Photo of Carrie Kruse



“Carrie Kruse has been a proponent of Women’s Studies and Women and Gender Studies librarianship throughout her career,” said award chair Dolores Fidishun, head librarian at Penn State-Abington. “She has mentored countless librarians and has been extremely active in WGSS where, among other accomplishments, she was a driving force behind the WGSS Core Books project. Most importantly, as a library administrator she has demonstrated her support for our community in ways that raised awareness of our discipline.”

Awards Won

Title Year
WGSS Award for Career Achievement in Women & Gender Studies Librarianship


This award is given annually to honor a distinguished academic librarian who has made outstanding contributions to women and gender studies through accomplishments and service to the profession. This award was established in 1999.

2019 - Winner(s)