Carla Stoffle

professor, School of Information University of Arizona

image of Carla Stoffle



Stoffle, who spent over 20 years as the dean of Libraries and Center for Creative Photography at the University of Arizona, made significant contributions in the advancement in organizational and fiscal management, library instruction and diversity. Of her many accomplishments the committee gave particular attention to her role as the co-creator, and continuing supporter, of Knowledge River, a program that has trained over 200 librarians adding to the diversity to the profession across all types of libraries. Knowledge River is now in its 17th year within the University of Arizona School of Information. In addition, Stoffle was recognized for her leadership in the profession as president of ACRL and treasurer.

Awards Won

Title Year
Image of the  Medal of Excellence Medal of Excellence


An annual award consisting of a bronzed medal and a 24k gold-framed citation of achievement for recent creative leadership of high order, particularly in the fields of library management, library training, cataloging and classification, and the tools and techniques of librarianship.
2018 - Winner(s)

Press Releases