Exploring Human Origins Site Support Notebook: Logistics

Exploring Human Origins: What Does It Mean to Be Human?


Table of Contents:

  1. Tour Itinerary
  2. Timeline at-a-glance
  3. Exhibit Shipping and Receiving
  4. Exhibit Unpacking, Installation, and Repacking Instructions
  5. Exhibition Videos (Vimeo Link)
  6. Reporting Requirements
  7. Program Evaluation
  8. Programming Allowance

Tour Itinerary

The traveling exhibition will tour the U.S. from December 2023 through July 2026, with library host periods available each summer and winter.

Please note: The below states the official tour start date, but the exhibit will be delivered to your library days before (as coordinated with the shipper).

  • Host Period 1 - Yuma County Library District (Yuma, AZ): Friday, December 1, 2023 — Monday, January 15, 2024
  • Host Period 2 - Broward County Libraries Division (Fort Lauderdale, FL): Wednesday, May 29 — Thursday, August 1, 2024
  • Host Period 3 - Avon Free Public Library (Avon, CT): Sunday, December 1, 2024 — Wednesday, January 15, 2025
  • Host Period 4 - Campbell County Public Library (Newport, KY): Thursday, May 29 — Friday, August 1, 2025
  • Host Period 5 - Rio Rancho Library and Information Services (Rio Rancho, NM): Monday, December 1, 2025 — Thursday, January 15, 2026
  • Host Period 6 - Spartanburg County Public Libraries (Spartanburg, SC): Friday, May 29 — Friday, July 31, 2026

Timeline at-a-glance

Below is a general timeline for the period before, during and after your Exploring Human Origins host period. staff will send email reminders for each of these deadlines as they approach.

  • 8 weeks before host period begins: Pre-Exhibit Report due via Apply; Virtual Meeting #1 with NMNH Human Origins Program and (to be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time); $1,000 programming allowance check sent
  • 1 week before host period begins: Art Guild contacts host site to arrange for an exhibit delivery and installation time
  • Day before host period start date: Exhibit is delivered to your library
  • 1 week after host period begins: Condition Report due via Apply
  • 1 week before host period ends: Art Guild contacts host site to arrange exhibit de-install and pick-up
  • Last day of host period: Project Director checks exhibit to ensure there is no damage (and contacts Public Programs Office at publicprograms@ala.org if there is any damage to report)
  • 2 weeks after host period ends: Final Report due via Apply

Exhibit Shipping and Receiving

Exhibition shipping will be managed by Art Guild.

All shipping costs will be billed to and paid by the Public Programs Office.

Important Shipping/Installation Information:

  • Because of varied delivery and pick-up dates, your additional exhibit insurance coverage should begin 10 days before the first day of your host period and extend to 10 days after the last day of your host period.
  • The exhibit will (tentatively) be delivered and installed the day before your scheduled host period begins. Art Guild will reach out to you on behalf of the shipping company to coordinate the delivery of the exhibit and labor hired to help install the exhibit at your library.
  • We will have one installer on-site to help install the exhibit in your library. We request that your library provides at least 2 staff people or volunteers who can also be on-site to assist with the installation of the exhibit.
  • The exhibit will be shipped in approximately 5 crates and 15 panel cases. Please email mgieseker@ala.org right away if you do not think you will have space in your library to store the empty crates and cases during your host period.
  • Check the condition of the exhibit as you unpack crates. If any exhibit parts or materials are missing or damaged, please notify immediately (publicprograms@ala.org). We recommend that you complete the Condition Report as you are installing the exhibit.
  • The last date in your scheduled host period is when the exhibit must close. Art Guild will coordinate to have the exhibit de-installed again, but we again request that at least 2 staff members or volunteers be on-site to assist. Art Guild will also coordinate with you as to when the exhibit will be picked up by the shipper.

Shipping will proceed as follows:

  • Art Guild will contact host sites to arrange convenient delivery and pick-up times approximately one week in advance of your scheduled host period.
  • If it is 24 hours before the start of your scheduled host period and you have not heard from shipper, please call Art Guild at the following number between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday to confirm delivery arrangements: 856-853-7500 x278.
  • If you need assistance, you may always call or email the Public Programs Office (office open 9-5 CT, Monday through Friday):

    Public Programs

    Phone: 1.800.545.2433, ext. 5045, or 312.280.5045

    Email: publicprograms@ala.org

Exhibit Unpacking, Installation, and Repacking Instructions

The following are detailed instructions, developed by the exhibit fabricators, for how to unpack, install, and repack the exhibit.

  • Exhibit Pictures: and

Exhibition Videos (Vimeo Link)

Library host sites have the option to provide one or two devices that can play back videos via a downloaded file or internet-based streaming. A USB drive with the downloadable files will be mailed to your library prior to the start of your host period. If you prefer to use internet-based streaming for the videos, you can access them via this Vimeo link. There is an optional suggested placement for the two monitors included in the exhibit floor plan (above).


password: humanorigins

Reporting Requirements

Host sites are required to submit reports before, during and after their host period. All reports (except for the Public Bulletin Board Submission) are completed in , ’s grants management platform. Project directors should log in to the platform using the email address and password used to apply for the exhibition. If you have a problem accessing the below reports, please email publicprograms@ala.org.

(due 8 weeks before start of host period): The Pre-Exhibit Report collects information about preliminary program plans, including program titles, presenters, dates and times. All program plans are subject to review by the NMNH Human Origins Program and staff. The Pre-Exhibit Form also requests proof of insurance. You may download a PDF copy of the Pre-Exhibit Form for reference, but please note that the report must be submitted online via .

(due one week after unpacking the exhibit): The Condition Report collects information about the physical condition of the various components of the exhibition. This report enables the NMNH Human Origins Program and to learn about any damage so we may arrange for maintenance and repairs. You may download a PDF copy of the Condition Report for reference, but please note that the report must be submitted online via .

(due 2 weeks after end of host period): The Final Report collects information about exhibition and program attendance, successes and challenges, publicity, and attendee feedback. You are also asked to upload digital copies of press coverage and PR materials. You may download a PDF copy of the Final Report for reference, but please note that the report must be submitted online via .

Public Bulletin Board Feedback Submission (submitted to Dr. Briana Pobiner): Guests to the exhibit will have the opportunity to answer the question "What does it mean to be human?" via sticky notes that can be stuck onto the corresponding exhibit panel. We ask that your library please provide the sticky notes for this component. Do not use tape, glue, or other adhesives. At the conclusion of their host period, you are asked to report the public's answers to the question "What does it mean to be human?" back to the Smithsonian. Please mail the completed sticky notes to this question from your site to Dr. Briana Pobiner (she can be reached at pobinerb@si.edu to receive the correct mailing address).

Program Evaluation

The NMNH Human Origins Program encourages host libraries to survey exhibition visitors and program participants to understand how people engage with the exhibition and programs in the local communities. The Human Origins Program has created a that can be printed and filled out by visitors leaving the exhibition. The use of the Public Library Association’s evaluation toolkit is also recommended. You will be asked to mail the completed surveys to Dr. Briana Pobiner (along with the sticky notes from the exhibit) at the end of your host period.

Programming Allowance

Each library host site will receive a $1,000 allowance to support public programs related to the exhibition.

The programming allowance may be used for the following:

  • Purchase of program supplies
  • Speaker honoraria and travel expenses
  • Publicity expenses for exhibit-related programs not associated with fundraising
  • Acquisition of related books, DVDs, and other media related to the project
  • Program mailing, printing, photocopying, and telephone costs

The programming allowance may NOT be used for:

  • Purchasing alcoholic beverages for opening reception or related programs
  • Exhibition Insurance
  • Indirect costs, i.e., general administrative expenses of any kind

    Next page: Virtual Training Videos