ࡱ> 8:7[ bjbj .ΐΐ %%%%%%9998q9t"OQQQQQQ$Du%u%%%%OOPnѶ`9Nd;0,zzz%Huuj^z : Sample Board of Trustees and Library Employee Ethics Policy The Anytown Public Library is dependent on the trust of its community to successfully achieve its mission. Therefore, it is crucial that all Board members and employees conduct business on behalf of the Anytown Public Library with the highest level of integrity avoiding any impropriety or the appearance of impropriety. Guiding Principles: Board members and employees should uphold the integrity of the Anytown Public Library and should perform their duties impartially and diligently. Board members and employees should not engage in discrimination of any kind including that based on race, class, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or belief system. Board members and employees should protect and uphold library patrons right to privacy in their use of the librarys resources. Board members and employees should avoid situations in which their personal interests, activities or financial affairs are, or are likely to be perceived as being in conflict with the best interests of the Anytown Public Library. Board members and employees should avoid having interests that may reasonably bring into question their position in a fair, impartial and objective manner. Board members and employees should not knowingly act in any way that would reasonably be expected to create an impression among the public that they are engaged in conduct that violates their trust as Board members or employees. Board members and employees should not use or attempt to use their position with the Anytown Public Library to obtain unwarranted privileges or advantages for themselves or others. Board members and employees should not be swayed by partisan interests, public pressure, or fear of criticism. Board members and employees should not denigrate the organization or fellow Board members or employees in any public arena. Therefore: To preserve and uphold the Anytown Public Librarys reputation as an organization of unimpeachable integrity, each Board member and employee will sign a Conflict of Interest statement and an Ethics Statement at the beginning of each calendar year (and at the commencement of his/her service) during their tenure with the Anytown Public Library. Compliance: If any Board member or the executive director appears to be in conflict of the Guiding Principles above, he or she will be asked to meet with the executive committee to discuss the issue. The executive committee will make a recommendation to the full Board based on their findings. Employees who are or appear to be in conflict with the Guiding Principles will be asked to meet with the executive director who will make a determination as to discipline or termination based on his or her findings.     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