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A naming opportunity may be offered to an individual, foundation or corporation in response to strong community input or in recognition of outstanding contributions that are consistent with the nature and mission of the library. Any Trustee, staff member or citizen of Jefferson County may nominate an individual for special recognition. In such a case, the Library Board will evaluate the appropriateness of such a nomination and determine the proper recognition. Naming opportunities may also be offered to individuals, families, foundations, organizations or corporations to recognize financial support for library facilities and sub-units of library facilities. These opportunities will be administered by Jefferson County Library Foundation, in collaboration with Library staff. All such naming opportunities must be approved by the Library Board of Trustees and administered in compliance with guidelines and procedures developed by the Executive Director. Naming rights will not be offered into perpetuity; rather, the duration of naming rights will be outlined in the guidelines and procedures. The Library Board authorizes the Library Foundation and Library staff to carry out such a program for recognition of major donors or library supporters, as approved by the Board, with the clear understanding that the standards and guidelines of the program will be administered unitarily and equally at all times. The Board shall have thirty (30) days to modify a commitment. Document Review Dates Document Name: Naming Rights PolicyPolicy Basis:HYPERLINK "http://jeffcolibrary.org/pdf/BoardGovernancePolicyManual.pdf"Asset Protection Governance Policy 2.4Effective Date:April 2006Review/Revision Date:April 2014Next Operational Review Date:April 2016Reviewed By:Executive DirectorJCPL Operational Category:Library ManagementApproved By:Executive Director  Jefferson County Public Library Naming Rights Policy Reference Documents Link to HYPERLINK "http://jeffcolibrary.org/pdf/BoardGovernancePolicyManual.pdf"Asset Protection Governance Policy 2.4 Link to Guidelines for JCPL Naming and Name Recognition Opportunities      PAGE 1 Viewed/printed:  TIME \@ "M/d/yyyy h:mm am/pm" 7/9/2014 12:57 PM HYPERLINK "http://jefferson.lib.co.us/policy/"Return to Policy Manual HYPERLINK "http://jefferson.lib.co.us/policy/"Return to Policy Manual HYPERLINK "http://jefferson.lib.co.us/policy/"Return to Policy Manual HYPERLINK "http://jefferson.lib.co.us/policy/"Return to Policy Manual HYPERLINK "http://jefferson.lib.co.us/policy/"Return to Policy Manual !./567GHI  s 2 3 9 K ` l    3 x %lȿКhrimH sH hri\mH sH h h5h_Fh2h+Ph hJ hJ hp^JhphhrihJ 5CJ\hp5CJ\hri5CJ\ jhri5U\mHnHu7!67HI  2 3   )*$If & F^gd2gd2^gdpgdJ $a$*8>?@FNO&'(7Ifxy;㾲㾦㢑{skjhd$Uhd$B*phh /B*ph h /\h /5CJ\ jh /5U\mHnHuh /hriB*phhFJ h hJ}hEh) h)0Jjht%Uhl jhriUhhUMhri hri\ hJ \ hp\hri5mH sH **?@N||$Ifvkd$$Ifl    S0D B! 4  t0    4 la$If$Iftkd$$Ifl    0D B!4 t0    4 la$Iftkd=$$Ifl    0D B!4 t0    4 la)$Iftkd$$Ifl    0D B!4 t0    4 la)*7J$Iftkde$$Ifl    0D B!4 t0    4 laJKfy$Iftkd$$Ifl    0D B!4 t0    4 layz$Iftkd$$Ifl    0D B!4 t0    4 lae}}xxskkiii & Fgdpgd /gd /$a$gd /gdptkd $$Ifl    0D B!4 t0    4 la ;<=cdem|иynyfZfZjhCJU^JhCJ^Jh7\0JmHnHu hri0Jjhri0JU hri56hBXjhBXUhJ}hriB*ph jh2h /UmHnHu&jh2h /U\]mHnHuh2 h2hJ}hJ}h2hJ}B*ph hd$0Jjhd$Ujht%U   WXYABC & Fgdpgd /gdU$a$gd    <=>UVWY[\̵­֧~t~gt_t~[h /h /0JCJj h /CJUjh /CJU h /CJhUhU0JCJjShUCJUjhUCJU hUCJhri0JCJjhriCJUjhriCJU hriCJhBXhrihhri0J56jhCJU^Jh7\CJ^JmHnHu!&'(?@ACEFtuvɿɲϦhJ}hriB*phhBXh /0JCJjx h /CJUjh /CJU h /CJh /h /0JCJaJjh /CJUaJjh /CJUaJh /CJaJ(/ =!"#$% $$If!vh#v#v4:V lS t0    554/  4aDyK yK http://jeffcolibrary.org/pdf/BoardGovernancePolicyManual.pdfyX;H,]ą'c$$If!vh#v#v4:V l t0    554/ 4a$$If!vh#v#v4:V l t0    554/ 4a$$If!vh#v#v4:V l t0    5544a$$If!vh#v#v4:V l t0    5544a$$If!vh#v#v4:V l t0    5544a$$If!vh#v#v4:V l t0    5544a$$If!vh#v#v4:V l t0    5544aDyK yK http://jeffcolibrary.org/pdf/BoardGovernancePolicyManual.pdfyX;H,]ą'cDyK yK Fhttp://jefferson.lib.co.us/policy/DyK yK Fhttp://jefferson.lib.co.us/policy/DyK yK Fhttp://jefferson.lib.co.us/policy/DyK yK Fhttp://jefferson.lib.co.us/policy/DyK yK Fhttp://jefferson.lib.co.us/policy/^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalOJQJ_HmH sH tH 8@8  Heading 1$@&5:@:  Heading 2$@&5>*B@B  Heading 3$$@&a$5CJ<@<  Heading 4$@&5CJDA`D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 2B@2 Body Text644 Header  !4 @4 Footer  !.)@!. 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