ࡱ> KMJ ]%bjbj 0<hh]dd4,.22222   \.^.^.^.^.^.^.$03.     .22.SSS 22\.S \.SSR`+-2\X*#T,H..0.r,4#4<-4-  S     ..;   .    4         d : BARC #22.1 (rev) 2016-2017 Fall Meeting TO: BARC RE: BARC Referral: Council Resolution Spectrum Scholarship Program ACTION REQUESTED/INFORMATION/REPORT: Information Report ACTION REQUESTED BY: None CONTACT PERSON: Keith Michael Fiels, Executive Director DATE: October 12, 2016 BACKGROUND: At the 2016 Annual Conference in Orlando, FL., a Council resolution was proposed in support of the Spectrum Scholarship Program. The resolution calls for the Executive Director and the Executive Board to develop an operational budget inclusive of staff with increased funding for recruitment, marketing and expanding the impact of the Spectrum Scholarship program, and include input from the Spectrum Advisory Committee in the development of an operational budget. The resolution was referred to BARC to determine if the resolution has a financial impact and if so to provide an estimate. To address the potential implications of the proposed resolution, BARC has asked staff to provide an initial review of the Spectrum programs current recruitment and marketing activities, and how these activities might be strengthened in the short and long term. They also reviewed the association-wide environment within which any action would occur. The primary focus of activity over the past year has been the work of the association-wide Task Force on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (TFEDI), which submitted its report to Council in June. This report included 57 recommendations across the Association designed to advance diversity at all levels. Recommendation 6.1 is as follows: Develop and implement a long-term library profession recruitment plan; increase chances of recruiting professionals from diverse backgrounds through recruitment in high schools and undergraduate institutions to increase LIS school retention; design a plan for providing library experiences and career information early -- from childhood forward. Beginning immediately after the conference, the Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services (ODLOS), working with a TFEDI Implementation Task Force, began looking at implementation of the recommendations. As of the beginning of October, the recommendations are now in the hands of the entities that will be leading their implementation (ODLOS, Conference Committee, divisions, the Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR), etc.). To support this implementation, the Executive Director has committed $10,000 in contingency funds to ODLOS for the current year so that work on implementing the recommendations may move ahead as quickly as possible. In discussing the council resolution, ODLOS has indicated that they will require some time to work on the long-term professional recruitment plan called for in the TFEDI report. This plan will by definition involve collaboration between ODLOS and HRDR, which has primary responsibility for recruitment under policy. Based on this plan, funding would be included in the Fiscal Year 2018 and 2019 budgets for these units. Because the importance of this effort is understood, and because it is one of the recommendations in the TFEDI report, the Executive Director has worked with ODLODS and HRDR to develop a plan that can be implemented this current year. This plan, along with brief background information on current efforts, is appended, and will also be funded through contingency funds. The plan, which supports the recommendation of the TFEDI, involves using materials developed as part of the Spectrum program to promote library careers, increasing collaboration between HRDR and ODLOS, and providing for an immediate impact on s diversity recruitment efforts. APPENDIX A: Current Efforts: Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services (ODLOS) Utilizing the nations changing demographics and responding to the need to serve diverse communities, proposed to recruit ethnically diverse high school and college students by developing a stronger professional presence at local career, education, and cultural events through the Discovering Librarianship project. This project enlisted early career librarians to serve as ambassadors and to develop a resonant professional brand. The Knowledge Alliance is a diverse network of culturally competent recruiters who provide initial support for career exploration and ongoing mentoring to individuals entering the profession. The Knowledge Alliance reached over 36,000 career seekers with its exhibit, provided 174 individuals with graduate degree preparation workshops in five cities, and continues to build a pipeline through http://knowledgealliance.org/. With the Knowledge Alliance, is positioned to bring LIS recruitment into a consistently higher-quality brand that reflects the transforming profession as rich in expertise, committed to diversity, and abundant with mentoring opportunities. Recruitment partners can utilize the websites tracking system to gather event statistics across efforts, promote local events and share scholarship and professional development opportunities with prospective recruits, and encourage recruit sign-ups to build a national leads database. Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR) Part of the mission of HRDR is to assist in the development of a diverse workforce. The office designs and disseminates recruitment materials, conducts recruiting activities, and encourages participation in recruitment at the grassroots level of the profession. To that end HRDR does the following: Maintains the website section for education and careers as well as the public website: LibraryCareers.org. Actively recruits individuals for careers in libraries and information centers. Provides recruitment materials to member volunteers seeking to conduct or attend College/Community/Career/Alumni Fairs. Develops career recruitment materials targeted at respective disciplines in collaboration with the divisions and other units. The Recruitment Assembly is a sub-unit of the HRDR Advisory Committee whose charge is to facilitate communication about activities related to recruiting for the profession among units and other groups. Its membership is open to representatives from units as well as individuals. The assembly members have designed and produced several products and services including the LibraryCareers.org website and Recruitment Clearinghouse Wiki for member volunteer resources. Expanded Recruitment Plan for 2016-2017: Produce additional Spectrum & Librarycareers.org Materials $2,000 Utilize new & existing knowledge alliance materials at 30-100 events $5,000 Additional volunteers will be trained through the Knowledge Alliance recruiter training series. Funds will be used to register volunteers at free and low cost career events and to ship Knowledge Alliance, Spectrum and LibraryCareers.org materials to volunteers. Support leads management system $3,000 ITTS will be asked to perform critical site updates on current server and investigate most cost effective hosting options for continued site functionality and/or building similar functionality on LibraryCareers.org. Align volunteer efforts Knowledge Alliance recruiters will engage the Recruitment Assembly at Midwinter and LIS Program Deans/Directors at ALISE to discuss unified recruitment plan for the future. .  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