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STARS Awards STARS currently presents two awards (Boucher and Mentoring) and has a proposal for a third one (Research). T. Schneiter previously distributed a document showing how awards processes are handled in other parts of RUSA; there is no clear best way as each group appoints award committees in different ways. After some discussion, Exec decided to assign the issue to the Organization Committee for their recommendation. Input will also be sought from the members of the current awards committees. 3. Matters arising. a. T. Wray will be on vacation April 21-30; send STARS issues to M. Ellingson and/or A. Beaubien during that time. b. K. Janke will shortly receive training on the new web software. c. There was a question about enrollment at the two STARS summer pre-conferences. We learned shortly after the call that the minimum enrollment has been met for the Yin/Yang pre-conference, but not yet for ILL 101. Marketing efforts are under way. The deadline for meeting minimum enrollment is the end of May. \ward\STARSExec032607min.doc 3/30/07 bef  . 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