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The revised Consent Agenda will be approved at the upcoming annual conference. 3. 2008 Rethinking Resource Sharing (RRS) pre-conference Exec had previously reviewed and approved the pre-conference proposal via email as the submission deadline was June 1. Exec thanked A. Beaubien for preparing the proposal on such short notice. The discussion focused on the reporting structure for the conference planning committee with the decision that the planning committee should report directly to Exec. As vice chair, M. Ellingson will appoint the committee. 4. Future program and conference proposals Exec agreed that STARS should have written procedures for how groups should propose and submit program ideas. This will be referred to the Organization Committee. \ward\STARSExec060407min.doc 6/13/07 befgh % & m n o v þwieaeSaOhhqCCJOJQJ^JaJh)]2hqCh`ICJOJQJ^JaJhET@CJOJQJ^JaJh)]2CJOJQJ^JaJhD/h h`I h>?5h_lhk5 hD/5 h)]25h_lh'^5 hYG5 h5!h/dhB*CJ^JaJph!h/dh`IB*CJ^JaJph*jh/dh`IB*CJU^JaJphfgh% & n o gdD/gdqC  (gdET@I & FEƀMF.gdET@gd`I$a$gd! /   T U V W Z _ { 2 5 ` a b ')Ϻ}w}j`Vj`hWyCJ^JaJh CJ^JaJhhCJ^JaJ h^J hT^J hI^J h^J h)]2^J hsN,^Jh]khWyh)]2hsN,hsN,5CJOJQJ^JaJ h[^Jh5CJOJQJ^JaJh 5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hqChX5CJOJQJ^JaJh)]25CJOJQJ^JaJ U V W 3 4 5 a b /gdKgdsN, [$\$gdsN, [$\$gdXP & FEƀMF.[$\$gdX)+./hhCJ^JaJh CJ^JaJhYGCJ^JaJ,1h/ =!"#$% Dd!.'t  S PAstars_barSTARS logo barRz7lqPa]b-D Fz7lqPa]b-JFIFffC     C   &X" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?Se\;چiqe'-1M0H¼{Q#Z-VO[G}?wVj| BNm}E~|P|K"OwQPOa*WG?ÅY}:F`Y_a)~;t5OCxFc*5̚s['wm:|/;rT"M'm.שO7BG#I$L66Jk[(1ڹk_U|9}̕ sO u?SZ^%"X~pd(=xZViۚQU;t5g4+{(r'Ӟ? rj7*ǿh_o4ZAl) Xe`x_Nի?P~Nf=}O3|B'dv@SW_\̡Xokkl}m:.SޤVU}YT-{x_~0/-O,! < Td!/657=ǰC7WX!ʂ5ڊv/4/< O>+?/"?C4_T!xQy<_MSbϳߎ<_MH><o:lPW=1xw/om/&ϺaQ_ 'Og[oR/!4}N}v]_#Gӓ u4}N}[_&35 ,`߈>S3+D9/#>Z<^.M=~0kIAG?~0x 7oICӣ}9E|>.&ʳj⢲[ICң}+ܿ.>J+ZH7։~)}^]}Wk'__G|/Q%[fzQVf *U|/R2+PH|Q|/T]E7 ^ɕ{Eq @GT_?#*}+IuӏH ^͏#[j7?ݢs /&#.VW2fIgRV9+r}RƯC^ vZG}!o*Tc'nry+^;{9|G<+t c(ϜakM6OjT!Р Ts? #ȩ߃Q^u^s~4֗DYdXP*5|ʤ(qm'C)/}͟|e2p϶Fl+aq]3VѴ/5x4ny" OźAgO0>`Mj]k[2 +B^[Op=Gyuz،8Zmz-w>-Ysv}|xnnN2qPX?v?YxfG5Y;tG'5),4]t\j0h{V5ܚxLu=FPT7i@'b*Tt԰ >e3g_u:}n\Ǵ;qkt}]_GVfG (lz_^24Xq򄸹X?Z~ 7|O:.ӽü7afwb)Tc'yJ>#9_X:;<ڹDVXKrf8w X6-*ʃz:BpxJgh_mi Oϱmt:O?wwqj7L$H3lRŚ,6w1j2Z-RNq?Ete2WMy5LR SzB|~]4^֞KmZeg?k['}y/!][|:f#vn{xJڝ!\)Z҇^bmoNn 3W a:mNO_&{|?ڥi ć9=}:]isi0L@xbꧨ ֬1 Fv'L9 Q9hZ  3{*~2XʂFܲW5y~ `jmg_~k0S_7Zc2*J8t| ?-j ){Qhb>z'O Nu MBu%8ɤ|iBޡ~MH>)C#JEI.??ɧ15EՊƤ7q"47s"5K|> <`>F ]ѯ(vz_ωgzw*п}~}E\acf|X Xχѩᇊ k("3OV+ 4a&>.ɧ|3V{~J>xWQvM?gI84ky~}uE/˰3>I N?٩׉ʊ>.O:0?f Ŀf˰3>W|I[jD0 w~}IE/˱_ٔ0/i_]߳R?Su~}#E/Kx#^S'Р.5E}j]χ3n@ǃu0˟4R̻>_@6W:? +v+0 O q|Tš?(?Gm\>O j>⽚_XaJ_ ?R 35RGH76S5(u.s5Rϱ_Us͓C ?%jXkyD}XxEi?ti?(Y^w8.GM*hs\/Tg>򮂊\fDgmTm(j*yQHjTJЯZ)R(((+ZKL@SEx~z`ΥsӚx"8`(ǐ]0qfE$w*Kg`dxVM.dRWm [xCMvm QEa@WaWq|ӭƲY`GOZ(`4gN>`Jr,QE?6^&aYy@pk٥Y_H9rhngj)QEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEH@H Normal CJOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH Z@Z [ Heading 1dd@&[$\$5CJ0KH$OJQJ\aJ0DA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List e@ '^HTML Preformatted7 2( Px 4 #\'*.25@9CJOJQJ^JaJ6U@6 oj Hyperlink >*B*phHH ^$ Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ/fgh%&noUVW345ab1000000 0000000 0000A00000000000h%&noUVW10000@ 000000  00 00 000 <[ )/  / / bd/C8@0(  B S  ?E * E }>>1AA19*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsState9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace .  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