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STARS Web Pages and Wikis, Karen Janke. is migrating to a new content management system for their websites. It is not yet known when the STARS pages will migrate or whether they will look the same to users. The search feature should work better. There will be improved features, such as the ability to upload files as folders of data rather than individually. communities will be communication channels for members only, requiring login with the password. Wikis, however, will be hosted by but will be open to anyone to view or edit. Any STARS group needing a wiki should email Karen with the wiki name and the name of the responsible party, although since staff set up the wikis, Karen will check if a better path would be for STARS members to contact directly. The question arose about whether there should be a naming convention. Future plans include a front page re-design. 5. Report from the RUSA Board I meeting, Tanner Wray. Next midwinter, RUSA will pilot lending laptops to committees so that virtual members can attend meetings. There was an agenda item about Emerging Leaders (see item 10 below). RUSA approved an all-day free introductory genealogy workshop for midwinter that suggests the possibility of offering the ILL 101 workshop on a similar basis. Merle Slyhoff will explore space availability at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in January 11, 2008. The Executive Committee approved this in concept, building on work already done for the cancelled ILL101 pre-conference originally scheduled for this conference. If approved, STARS may be able to get some RUSA funding for incidentals like photocopying. Collette Mak, Merle Slyhoff, and Karen Janke will work with Margaret on exploring this option further. The RUSA Board also mentioned the ilovelibraries.org public face of . Rethinking Resource Sharing (RRS) Effort, Anne Beaubien. See the RSS website for its history ( HYPERLINK "http://www.rethinkingresourcesharing.org" www.rethinkingresourcesharing.org). Forum III was held in Chicago last spring. Two new committees were formed: Delivery and Marketing. GetIt remains a working name for the tool in development which is starting to be demonstrated. This tool will aid in bringing the library into the sights of those end users that live, work, and/or play online. The RRS Policies Committee is a STARS committee. The RSS Manifesto has been affirmed by the STARS Executive Committee, the Rethinking Resource Sharing Steering Committee, and the IFLA document delivery group. A toolkit of sample policies is in development. There will be a wiki for success stories. RRS is important for STARS as a way to change libraries best practices. Good communication between STARS and RRS is important. The RRS users group is working on usability testing. 7. Summer 2007 programs and Preconference a. Yin and Yang Preconference. Julie Harwell. There were 49 paying registrants and a total of 61 people. 31 evaluations were received with many good ideas for future programs. Julie will compile the evaluations. b. Cooperative Collection Developments Cooperative Monographic Collection Development Recent Trends. Mary Wilke reported that 75-100 people attended. About 25% of the attendees filled out comment sheets and left favorable comments, indicating an interest in statistics and developing trends in this area. A follow-up program in a few years might be a good idea. A wiki will be developed soon. c. ALCTS Making the E-Resource Infrastructure Work: Effective Metadata Exchange & Exposure. Gary Ives reported that about 300 people attended this session and about 60 people submitted evaluation forms. The program committee is preparing another program and is interested in keeping the ALCTS/STARS connection active. d. ASCLA/SLAS program Moving Mountains: Exciting Trends in Library Delivery Services. No representative present. 8. STARS Committees, Discussion Groups, Task Forces Action Items a. Vendor Relations Committee Gary Johnson. The committee is working on two major areas: (1) defining its role in relation to its charge; and (2) determining what comprises the community/stakeholders. The committee is starting to create the yellow pages/directory for resource sharing. It is encountering many instances of overlaps and inter-relationships. Some category ranking and definitions will be needed. The directory will maintain vendor neutrality. There was a question about how to mediate a wiki to which vendors might contribute and how to keep information current. Several efforts have been made to elicit a response from Infotrieve regarding Ariel. The committee would like to work with other interested parties to craft a document of functional requirements for any document delivery system. The committee has made an initial contact with NISO and there is a possibility that the project might be taken on there. The Executive Committee recommends that the Rethinking Resource Sharing interoperability group and NISO should also be approached. b. Task Force on Qualifications for ILL Operations Management David Larsen. Draft Results of the Survey on Qualifications for Interlibrary Loan Management was distributed. There were 599 responses to the survey. Although a preliminary data analysis has been done, the committee needs an extension through June 2008 for more in-depth review and to develop a new set of qualifications. The Executive Committee approved this request. There is interest in publishing the survey results and analysis; Margaret will check to see if an article would have to be offered to Reference & User Services Quarterly first. A presentation or discussion of the survey results at Midwinter 2008 would be beneficial. The Executive Committee suggested an emphasis on why an MLS is needed to manage interlibrary loan operations. Is it in jeopardy? The committee will draft the survey analysis document for discussion at midwinter. c. ILL Committee No representative present. d. Legislation and Licensing. Charlotte Rubens. The committee has prepared a program proposal on privacy issues for the 2009 annual conference, with the tentative title: Leave Our Users Alone. They completed a response to the Section 108 Study Group. The committee plans to be involved in RRS initiatives, including posting legislation and international copyright items on the RRS wiki. e. Membership Committee No representative present. STARS Representatives to RUSA Committees & Discussion Group Updates a. Conference Program Coordinating. No representative present. b. Nominating 2008. Collette Mak. Preliminary slates are set and nominees will be contacted soon. The election is in the spring. c. Organization. No representative present. d. Planning & Finance. Suzanne Sweeney. RUSA is moving some monies to the divisions endowment fund to earn interest. The interest can be used for programming. e. Professional Development. Stephanie Atkins. Several online education classes were offered last spring. STARS is concerned that resource sharing issues be included as appropriate in future offerings. f. Nominating 2007. Nada Vaughan. Mary Hollerich is a member at large. g. Access to Information. Karen Jung (w). New guidelines will be developed. Definitions and concerns will be solicited from the sections. h. Membership. Anne Beaubien. The group will be deciding on which strategies to implement to increase membership. i. Publications. Linda Frederiksen. The Quarterly has many submissions. Many are heavily instructional, and the editors are interested in diversifying topics. The handbook is being revised. The RUSA blog has been launched. j. Standards & Guidelines. No representative present. k. ILL Discussion Group. No representative present. l. Hot Topics. No representative present. 2008 Emerging Leaders Program. Tanner Wray. Candidates will apply directly to between July 1 and August 15 instead of through sections. STARS can play a mentoring role to encourage applications. Divisions can propose projects for emerging leaders to work on. Are there projects that STARS could suggest? RUSA Board II: Business. Tanner Wray. The Executive Committee suggested the document delivery functional requirements and the ILL 101 workshop for midwinter. 12. 2008 STARS Programs/Preconference. Joan Stein. There is a program proposal for the 2008 annual conference on ILL data collection definition and analysis. There will be four panelists and time for discussion. A possible co-sponsor might be LAMA SASS; Joan will contact that groups incoming chair. 13. A proposal was submitted for a STARS Preconference on Rethinking Resource Sharing for the 2008 annual conference. It will be an interactive session to promote learning and to make the day more fun. The session will cover policy changes, delivery improvements, interoperability options, and user needs. 14. Matters Arising. Sue Ward suggested developing a giveaway item for use at the RUSA booth in the Pavilion at future conferences, as well as at other appropriate venues. This will be referred to the Membership Committee. Nada Vaughan mentioned collaboration between LAMA SASS and RUSA STARS on cooperative remote circulation, specifically for ideas to present to vendors (report in September) and to identify consortial borrowing groups (report in November). 15. Annual STARS Meetings Assessment/How Did We Do? The pre-conference went very well. Saturday was STARS day. The Saturday 1:30-3:30 block had several program and committee conflicts. The All STARS meeting went well, but some committees are meeting elsewhere. Should these meetings be folded into the All STARS one? The membership is still learning the section structure. Discussion groups were really discussion groups, not programs in disguise. The points from the ILL and Hot Topics discussion groups should be posted. Key points and projects for each committee should be communicated to minimize overlap. One long Executive Committee meeting on Monday works better than two meetings on different days. This was a good schedule change. 16. Report from Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Conference Meeting Schedule. Margaret Ellingson. There was a suggestion to switch the discussion group and All STARS time slots on Saturday morning. Committee appointments are mostly completed. New STARS Exec Comm and STARS committee chairs listservs have been set up at Emory University and will be populated soon. Margaret will explore using the online community. 17. Passing the STAR to Margaret Ellingson. Tanner Wray thanked everyone for their work this year in furthering STARS objectives. 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