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RUSA has the largest membership of all the divisions. D. Tyckoson is interested in three goals: a) Provide value to members who cant attend the conferences. He would like to see the work of the sections distributed to everyone. An online event will be offered in April to start working towards this goal. If successful, more online programs will be offered. Details will come out soon and D. Tyckoson welcomes ideas. b) RUSAs strategic plan is to be the premier organization for reference services and resource sharing, and to maintain the influence and leadership in directing research in these areas. RUSA will establish a fund to help librarians conduct research in these areas. RUSA will be positioned to help direct the field, instead of simply reacting to it by publishing in journals. c) Many librarians, especially those employed by public libraries, are active in local organizations rather than in . D.Tyckoson wants to encourage partnerships between these organizations and RUSA, especially in the area of reference. An ideal situation would be the availability of joint memberships between state/local/regional library organizations and RUSAs existing sections and divisions. A task force is investigating options. D.Tyckoson also provided some information about RUSA. a) RUSAs budge is strong. Funds are available for initiatives. Any committee can ask for up to $50 to cover expenses. The long term investment fund (endowment) accrues interest that can be used for section projects. Sections can apply for these funds by submitting proposals for projects like workshops, online courses, etc. b) RUSA will restructure the Awards Ceremony to make it more exciting, starting with the Anaheim conference. All section awards should be bestowed at the ceremony to encourage higher attendance. The award order will be rearranged. There will be more food and a cash bar. Acceptance speeches will be shorter. c) RUSA Board procedures will be streamlined. Written reports will be preferred over verbal ones whenever possible, and consent agendas will be used. Board meeting time should focus on action items. Section representatives should attend RUSA-level committees and then report back to their sections. D. Tyckoson would like to see STARS statement of expectation for RUSA representatives. Appointments to these positions will be made in the spring. Interested members should contact Neal Wyatt, RUSA Chair-Elect. d) Online Communities will be replaced by new software. Prior content will be archived. RUSA has been the highest user of the Online Communities. There is no timeline yet for the replacement. e) As RUSA expands, its clear that one group has been left out: Circulation. D. Tyckoson asked us to consider a circulation/access services group as part of STARS and to consider greater coordination with LAMA efforts in this area. Attending members had questions/comments for D. Tyckoson: a) STARS members expressed major concerns over the level of technology support that /RUSA offers to sections. The new web pages are very problematic in terms of lack of training and support for technology. One example is that the section listserv is managed outside . D. Tyckoson is aware of these issues and hopes that they will begin to be resolved when the new RUSA Information Technology position is filled in mid-January. b) T. Wray asked for advice on how to raise the visibility of resource sharing issues within RUSA as a whole and for gaining acknowledgement that resource sharing is a user service. D. Tyckoson suggested programming events, including some that occur outside of . Examples might be a continuing education course or conference. Funds could be requested for these from RUSA. Approve Executive Committee Conference Call Minutes, July 2007-December 2007 S. Ward asked for and received approval of the conference call minutes. Confirm Executive Committee Consent Agenda Decisions, July 2007-December 2007 S. Ward asked for and received approval of the consent agenda decisions. Report re: RUSA Board I Meeting M. Ellingson reported that the main topic has been reviewing RUSAs strategic plan. The process is just beginning. The RUSA blog will post updates and M. Ellingson will keep STARS-L informed. The Code of Ethics is also under revision. Only slight changes are expected. The major concern discussed by the RUSA Board was the need for a strong statement regarding the balance between the rights of intellectual property owners and the rights of information users. Other agenda items for the Board include the library support staff certification program (LSSCP). There will be a chance for input on competencies for various areas, such as access services. A resolution is being prepared to send to for open listservs, such as STARS-L. This topic is likely to be tabled, although having an open listserv might actually simplify things for STARS since the current process does not work well. The STARS Executive Committee will discuss this topic further. The RUSA Board also discussed the Awards Ceremony improvements. It also discussed who can take positions within a section. It was reported that RUSA is contemplating not having section brochures, but rather having inserts in general RUSA information. There was some concern about this approach. (It was later learned that section brochures will continue to be supported.) Update re: STARS Emerging Leaders Project W. Gee reported that four Emerging Leaders have been assigned to the STARS project, three of whom met with him at . Now that they know more about the project (ILL staffing levels in different sizes and types of libraries), theyre excited about the project. It will involve conducting a survey and, if there is time, compiling the results. This project builds on the recent ILL Manager Qualifications study. The ultimate goal is a queriable database, although this may be a future development. This group will consult with the Qualifications Task Force. Report re: STARS Midwinter Workshop M. Ellingson reported that the workshop was very successful. It was completely filled and all the evaluations were very positive. A written report will be issued soon. There is strong interest in repeating the workshop at the next Midwinter conference. S. Atkins will work with others on this proposal. RUSA Liaison Updates a. Nominating 2008 No Report. b. Conference Program Coordinating No Report. c. Organization No Report [This Committee meets after STARS Exec] d. Planning & Finance Suzanne Sweeney RUSAs financial position is very strong. Each committee may request up to $50 to cover expenses. Committees and sections are encourages to submit proposals for projects, programs, etc. that require more substantial funding. Remember to contact RUSA before approaching potential sponsors to fund programs, etc. e. Professional Development Stephanie Atkins This group has received a three-year grant. During the first year, the focus is on competencies. An upcoming survey will ask respondents to rate competencies on a five point scale. Field testing will occur in subsequent years. A course may test pilot at a community college. The website has a FAQ for more information. f. Nominating 2009 Jennifer Kuehn J. Kuehn submitted a written report. This group is working on the slate for RUSA officers: chair-elect; secretary; members at large. g. Access to Information No Report. M. Ellingson mentioned that this group is working on a statement on Access to Information. STARS Exec has submitted some information, including a link to the Rethinking Resource Sharing (RRS) Manifesto. STARS Exec has asked the RSS Policies Committee to respond if they wish to add more information. h. Membership William Gee i. There was concern over the proposal to end individual section brochures and instead use a template to print brochures at each conference for inclusion in a RUSA packet. This was a unilateral decision with no consultation with the sections. There was a general agreement that this process would be detrimental to section recruitment. (It was later learned that section brochures will continue to be supported.) ii. The committee discussed recruitment and retention of members. One idea would be to revive the ambassador program with members speaking at library schools and local conferences. This approach would be coordinated with the New Members Round Table. iii. Retired members could act as consultants, be ambassadors, etc. There could be an emeritus status to reward members who have been active in RUSA. iv. The committee praised STARS recruitment efforts. v. There is a need for a chairs planning guide for events. vi. STARS should probably query the database to see what RUSA members are also members of other divisions. However this is not a standard query and STARS would have to pay to run the report. vii. The committee talked about diversity recruitment. viii. STARS might consider recruiting international members. i. Publications Marlayna Christensen The Reference and User Services Quarterly has a two year backlog of accepted articles. Each issue ranges from 84 to 104 pages. Authors are being asked to pare down accepted articles to make more space in each issue. The number of regular columns may be reduced. The committee is also working on blog guidelines and is revising part of the Policies and Procedures Handbook. The RUSA Executive Committee has asked this committee to consider changing its name to the RUSA Communications Committee and also change its focus to investigating new communications technology, etc. Committee members feel that changing the committees focus is not a good idea. There should be more coordination with the different sections publications committees. If a change is needed, the mandate should come from higher in the organization. There is a concern about how publications would be supported fro tenure-track members. There are also archiving issues. Publications need to be documented, indexed, reviewed, etc. Publications should be promoted, and the committee should maintain its relationship with Reference and User Services Quarterly. D. Tyckoson asked the committee to write its own charge first, including submission guidelines, citation format, copyright issues, and consideration of a new name. j. Standards & Guidelines Geneva Holliday This committee approved guidelines for services to older adults. It looked at guidelines for Business Information Responses. The ILL Code Revision is expected to be approved by the annual conference. Report re: STARS Awards (closed session)Collette Mak (Mentoring Award), Suzanne Turner (Boucher Award) These announcements will be made later. BREAK Reports re: STARS Committees Meeting Outside All-Committee Meeting Joint Cooperative Remote CirculationNada Vaughn The members discussed various ILS vendors and topics such as interoperability, NCIP messaging, and creating messages. It was decided to make a list of desired functionalities. The group discussed whether NCIP was the best option. A guest vendor representative provided insights into NCIP challenges. Open source may be an option. Committee members will look into Brown Universitys solution. Open ID is another option as it provides a form of validation and the users card indicates what they have access to. It may be an easier option than Shibboleth. The committee will work on the authentication piece. It is a possible future topic for the ILL Discussion Group. The size of the committee is currently five members from STARS and five from LAMA SASS. Many guests attend the meetings. The committee requests that membership be increased to at least six members from each of the two sections. Joint Coop Collection DevelopmentMary Wilke Guest speaker Robert Krall explained how interlibrary loan affects collection development at his institution. The presentation will be posted on the wiki. The committee will work on adding more content to the wiki. OrganizationSuzanne Sweeney The committee is working on a handbook. Special attention is being paid to two areas: how to administer awards and developing and clearly defining the member-at-large role. Members at large should be more active than simply attending meetings and conference calls. Perhaps they could mentor committees. Send suggestions to Robin Moskal. Rethinking Resource Sharing PoliciesAnne Beaubien The committee has been working on a definition of access for the referral made by the RUSA Access to Information Committee and will soon respond to that committee. The committee is also working on examples for each point of the RRS Manifesto and is preparing a facilitators guide for speakers. There are plans to work on a state-by-state affirmation of the Manifesto, following Marylands example. A packet will be sent to each state library association. The committee is also preparing a copyright guide and checklist for authors. This will be forwarded to the SATARS Legislative and Licensing Committee. A. Beaubien recommended that two members continue into next year to provide continuity. ILL Code ReviewJohn de la Fontaine The ILL Code review is on track for approval at the annual conference. Minor changes have been made to the guidelines. Most of the changes are in the supplement. ILL Discussion GroupEmily Batista Susan Lieberthal led the Qualifications Task Force in a report of and discussion of the groups work. There were about 80 attendees during the summary of the survey findings. Lively breakout sessions discussed requiring an MLS or requiring ILL experience for ILL managers. Future topics may be copyright and international resource sharing. Another idea is a program on technical terms and their explanations. Hot Topics Discussion GroupKevin Wilks About 70 people attended this discussion group to talk abut four different topics. Future work will examine reasons for no. h. STARS Nominating Committee Candidates. M. Ellingson announced the candidates: Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Denise Forro, Michigan State University (unopposed). Secretary: Judy (Ann) Jerabek, Sam Houston State University; Anne M. Bouvier University of Buffalo. [Ann. Jerabek has since withdrawn.] Member-at-Large: Merle Slyhoff, University of Pennsylvania; David K. Larsen, University of Chicago i. Qualifications Task Force. Susan Lieberthal The task force will submit a final report. It will include task force opinions, survey results, and the discussion group results. It will include guidelines and recommendations. Exec provided some suggestions so that the outcome is useful information to help libraries deliver good interlibrary loan services. The task force also plans to write an article. Action Items from STARS Committees, Discussion Groups, Task Forces Award committees. All awards selection committees should be appointed by the vice chair and should report to Exec. After discussion the motion carried. Exec will work out the details on how to make this change. Program proposals. Exec anticipates two program proposals from committees. These will proceed through the usual channels. Interlibrary Loan Committee: interlibrary loan and non-book formats Legislation and Licensing Committee: privacy Education Committee. Repeat the interlibrary loan workshop as a free event each midwinter. This will be discussed further. Task Force on ILL Response to Natural Disasters. Guidelines are coming soon. Updates re: STARS Program Planning for Annual 2008 Research & Statistics ProgramJoan Stein Codes & Guidelines ProgramMerle Slyhoff Updates were given at the All-STARS meetings. See those minutes for details. Update & Discussion re: STARS Web PagesKaren Janke After many delays, has rolled out its new content management system. K. Janke has taken additional training, including an onsite class at this conference. The new CMS is not easy to use and as a result takes longer to post revisions or new material. It is also not completely clear what the RUSA webmasters role is in supporting the section volunteer webmasters. At the moment the breadcrumbs are incorrect and are directing people to old pages over which Karen no longer has any control. The new system does not support the way some older files and links were named, so all of these need revision. K. Janke also stressed the importance of continuity between webmasters. Perhaps STARS should consider two webmasters with staggered terms. If approved, this might require a by-laws change. STARS Exec will discuss this further. Assess STARS Midwinter Meeting ScheduleMargaret Ellingson In general, the new schedule worked well. There were some problems with room set-up and access. Review Draft Schedule for Annual ConferenceMargaret Ellingson The RUSA Awards Ceremony on June 30 from 4:00-6:00. Report re: Rethinking Resource Sharing Preconference Planning for Annual 2008Anne Beaubien The preconference is schedule for June 27, 2008 in Anaheim. A flyer is ready for distribution. The hope is that some administrators will be among the attendees. So far, vendor donations of $3,000 have been received from Emerald Publishing, OCLC, and Rapid ILL. The maximum number of registrants will be about 70. Report from & Preliminary Discussion re: role of LAMA/SASS Liaison-- Sharon Epps There was a discussion of the role of this liaison with STARS Exec. S. Epps attends STARS Exec meetings and reports back to LAMA SASS Exec via email. This is an ex officio position in LAMA SASS with no set term. Does STARS need a similar formal liaison with LAMA SASS? S. Epps expressed LAMA SASSs eagerness to work on collaborative efforts with STARS. Matters Arising None. Wrap Up & Adjournment M. Ellingson thanked everyone for attending. S. 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