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The fact that STARS is growing has assisted in RUSAs goals for member recruitment. Dave addressed concerns about the RUSA directorship vacancy; the application deadline is February 12 and an early appointment is hoped for. In the meantime, other staff are filling in, so the office is still functioning well. Dave suggested that mentoring new library staff might be a way to encourage participation. RUSA is looking at providing more effective training for chairs. Committee members might benefit from formal training, too. RUSAs budget is now more robust than it has been in the past. Dave encouraged committees to apply for reimbursement of incidental expenses, even above the $50 standard allocation. (Note: Requests above $50 would need approval of the STARS Executive Committee). Requests for reasonable expenses for special projects to advance the organization will be considered. Dave also talked about the RUSA blog and asked for substantive contributions from RUSA sections. While announcements are appropriate, he is especially interested in discussion items [ HYPERLINK "http://www.rusablog.org" http://www.rusablog.org]. STARS members suggested that the blogs title, Talking Reference, didnt immediately suggest the kinds of topics that interest our section. Categories may need to be added/changed. Dave would like recommendations from the sections by March 1 for appointment to RUSA-level committees. 3. Boucher Award. Denise Forro reported that there were 9 nominations and that the announcement about the recipient will be forthcoming soon. The Award will be given at the RUSA Awards program at annual on Monday night, although it will also be announced at the ILL discussion group. There was a recommendation that the Executive Committee attend the RUSA Awards program. 4. ATLAS/STARS Mentoring Award. Tanner Wray reported for Collette Mak that Danielle Cournoyer from Northern Arizona University will be the awards recipient. In the future, the Award Committee would welcome nominations for librarians in public libraries as well as academic ones. 5. Organization Committee. This committee has been approved. Robin Moskal and Jennifer Block are co-chairs. About 8 members will be appointed soon. One of the groups first tasks will be to draft the STARS Handbook. 6. Updates on Action Items. a. Hot Topics Discussion Group. Attendees thought that the one-hour discussion was adequate and that three good topics had been selected. Reporting out from each topic group at the end was effective. Suggestions are needed for summer topics. About 65-70 people attended. STARS Exec applauded that the session was an active discussion and encouraged a discussion rather than a program format in the future. b. Rethinking Resource Sharing Committee. Anne Beaubien reported on behalf of Gina Persichini. The Manifesto was distributed. The STARS Executive Committee made and carried a motion to affirm the Manifesto. The Manifestos purpose is to challenge the library committee to review how we do things and to improve resource sharing. The Manifesto next goes to the Resource Sharing Steering Committee for approval. While the RUSA Board does not need to approve the Manifesto, Tanner will submit it to them as an information piece. c. Vendor Relations Committee. Gary Johnson emphasized that the committee doesnt want to interfere with existing communication patterns. This committee serves as a conduit between the resource sharing community and STARS. Communications with vendors should be coordinated with the Vendor Relations Committee. The Committee is compiling a directory that should be useful for both librarians and vendors by providing information such as a list of ILS systems, a list of document delivery services, etc. A wiki in the format of a resource sharing yellow pages would be useful. Vendors would not be able to advertise in the wiki. There would be a text box for submitting questions. d.  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/ala/rusa/rusaourassoc/rusasections/stars/starssections/committeesa/codesguidelinesandtechnicalstandardscommittee/CGTSSC.htm" Codes, Guidelines, and Technical Standards Committee. Nada Vaughn reported on a program proposal for 2008 on best practices and the Interlibrary Loan Code. STARS Exec needs a more detailed description. There are currently 3 potential proposals for 2 program slots, so detailed proposals are needed to make the selection. e.  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/ala/rusa/rusaourassoc/rusasections/stars/starssections/taskforcesa/starstaskforceonresourcesharingresponsetonaturaldisasters/STFRSRND.htm" Task Force on Resource-Sharing Response to Natural Disasters. Tanner Wray reported for Tom Delaney. A draft will be available soon, with the final document expected in June. A motion was made and carried to extend the Task Force through annual so they could complete their work. f.  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/ala/rusa/rusaourassoc/rusasections/stars/starssections/taskforcesa/taskforceonqualificationsforinterlibraryloanoperationsmanagement/TFQILM.htm" Task Force on Qualifications for Interlibrary Loan Operations Management. Susan Lieberthal provided a list of qualifications; the Task Force will annotate them. The charge is: at what point does a library need an MLS as an ILL manager? The Task Force will conduct a literature search; if they conduct a survey, they will ask Exec to review the survey instrument. The Task Force asked for an extension through next Midwinter; this motion was made and carried. Margaret Ellingson will formally invite the committee members to continue their terms another year. The final document will be guidelines that need to be approved at the RUSA level. g.  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/ala/rusa/rusaourassoc/rusasections/stars/starssections/committeesa/internationill/intill.htm" International ILL Committee. No report. h.  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/ala/rusa/rusaourassoc/rusasections/stars/starssections/committeesa/legislationandlicensingcommittee/legliccomm.htm" Legislation and Licensing Committee. No report. 7. RUSA Liaison Updates. a. Conference Program Planning. Betsy Kruger provided an overview of proposed programs for the 2008 annual conference. b. Organization. Lynn Wiley. The RUSA Handbook needs to be revised, especially for procedures pertaining to reviewing committees and sections. As a new section, STARS wont come up for review for several years. c. Planning and Finance. Margaret Ellingson for Suzanne Sweeney. The first quarter budget looks good, and there will be some additional salary savings until the new director is appointed. Advertising revenue from RUSA Quarterly is up, although subscriptions are down. The 2008 budget is being developed. is encouraging workshops for Midwinter. The dues increase hasnt had a negative impact on RUSA membership so far. RUSA transfers some money each year to the Endowments; RUSA receives the interest, currently about $5,000-$10,000 a year. This money can be used for conference programs and other initiatives. The recommendation for the support staff category to be 50% of the membership rate is being recommended by Planning and Finance to the RUSA Board. d. Nominating Committee, Nada Vaughn. No STARS members are being considered for this committee. e. Professional Development, Stephanie Atkins. Some RUSA continuing education will be offered in the spring, mostly repeats of previous offerings. One new one is marketing basics for librarians. There is an LSSCP initiative: form a task force on support staff certification. A grant has been submitted. A partner is needed for a pilot program. There is also an initiative called WISE Plus to offer credit classes. The committee may survey RUSA members to identify class topics. The RUSA brochure on online courses needs to be revised. f. Membership, Tanner Wray for Jessame Ferguson. RUSA 101 is being offered at the annual conference. Recruitment focuses on new professionals. The Emerging Leaders program was mentioned. There is a suggestion that members go to library schools as RUSA ambassadors. g. Publications. Linda Frederiksen. RUSA Quarterly would like articles from STARS members, but there is a two-year backlog. The blog is a RUSA publication and STARS members should add content to it. Question about whether the proposed STARS wikis would be RUSA publications. Currently STARS doesnt have a Publications Committee. Do we need one? Will not having one hurt our section review? Are web coordinators a publications group and, if so, should they be formally communicating? h. Standards and Guidelines, Geneva Holliday. Documents on genealogy; measuring reference resources; and library services to teams have all been approved pending changes. The ILL Code doesnt have to go through the RUSA Board because most of the changes are to the supplementary material. 8. Sequence of Meetings at Annual Tanner Wray led a discussion and the Executive Committee tentatively approved the changes. A few details need to be double checked. 9. Evaluation of STARS meetings at Midwinter. Good reports came from all the STARS meetings. Work was moved forward as groups met. The flow of meetings went well. Participants appreciated the refreshments at the ILL Discussion Group meeting. In summary, people are finding their place in STARS and responding well to their groups charges. 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