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Agenda item #2: Changes to Agenda (Hollerich, et al) Emily Bergman, Chair of LAMA/SASS attended the meeting to discuss the possibility of creating a joint committee on Remote Circulation presented to the LAMA SASS Exec Committee earlier that day by Mary Hollerich, Anne Beaubien and Tanner Wray . Emily suggested that first a joint task force be set up to work on NCIP, particularly in relation to where vendors are in terms of implementation, with the end result being a program or publication. A joint committee could then be created if appropriate. Any such committee would need to be approved by the appropriate committees on organization (LAMA and ). [We later learned that after each division approves of the joint committee we just need to inform the Committee on Organization (COO). In RUSA only STARS Exec Committee needs to approve the committee] COO does not need to approve the committee. Mary expressed support for the idea especially in terms of the publication or manageable size publication. Lars mentioned that the topic is one that both Vendor Relations (VR) and Codes, Guidelines and Technical Standards (CGTS) committees were planning to work on this year but including a broader base of the role of all codes, guidelines and standards. NCIP provides standards for remote circulation, interlibrary loan/circulation interaction, and related other services (such as electronic reserves). Lars suggested the task force concentrate on the remote circulation portion of NCIP. Mary suggested the task force could focus on NCIP but should be careful to consult with VR and CGTS. Mary asked that in the next couple weeks the two committees develop outlines of activities so that their work does not become duplicative. This would provide more concrete information so that a task force charge can be better defined. It was suggested that VR work with the task force to develop a survey of vendors and gather data. One group could develop survey questions and the other contact the vendors. Lars will work with Cheryl Truesdell the incoming chair of VR on this idea. Anne will check with to confirm the next steps in protocol. Agenda item #3: Approval of minutes Mary wanted to clarify the rules of voting by the Executive Committee. Officially, only the Executive officers vote on issues; other in attendance can make, second and discuss motions but only Executive Committee (elected) officers vote on motions, etc. There were three sets of minutes to approve: Executive Committee Meetings 1 and 2, Midwinter 2005, and the All-STARS Meeting Summary, Midwinter 2005. Anne moved to approve the minutes and Nada seconded the motion. Mary called for corrections. Corrections noted were to change the time of the All STARS Meeting that was incorrectly recorded as 8:30am to 11:30pm and to correct the spelling of Cristi Macwaters name. All three sets of minutes were approved as corrected. Agenda item #4: Program Planning 2006 This item was deferred until Kristina gave her Committee report (see under Agenda item #11: RUSA Committee Reports Conference Program Coordinating) Agenda item #5: STARS Meeting Schedule 2005-06 (Beaubien) Anne mentioned that she had received one positive comment about scheduling all the committee meetings at one time but she is aware it is somewhat problematic. It provides STARS committee members the opportunity to ask questions and interact with other committees. So far it has been helpful to hear all the committee reports; it helps make the Section more cohesive. There has also been some information coming from staff that indicates available time slots will be changed for next Midwinter. Anne asked if the chairs present would prefer to stick with the Monday time slot or perhaps change to breakfast or lunch meetings. Lynn said she thought the Section needed to set some traditions, similar to the Friday evening ILL dinner. She thought the idea of meeting at a meal was a way to begin to set traditions. An idea for San Antonio would be to have the first STARS Exec Committee meeting Friday evening and have it replace the Saturday morning meeting Anne will explore the situation for San Antonio and email further information to the Executive Committee Agenda item #6: Committee Appointments update (Beaubien) Anne completed committee appointments last week and is now waiting to get acceptance forms from appointees. She will send reminders to those who have not yet responded to the appointment offer. When completing committee rosters she was unable to place as many members on a committee as expressed interest but appointed more members than would be traditional to get more people involved. As a result, some committees may be larger than might be expected. She will continue the appointment process as new committees are formed. Agenda item #7: STARS Orientation Session at Midwinter (Beaubien) Anne suggested having an orientation event at Midwinter for incoming chairs. It was agreed that the orientation session should be at the annual conference, right after elections. Therefore the incoming chair of STARS should lead the orientation session with the incoming chairs of the STARS committees. Mary can provide notes from the orientation session from Midwinter 2005. Agenda item #8: Section Communication Online Community Software, Blog, Listserv? (Hollerich) Deferred Agenda item #9: Report from RUSA Board (Hollerich) There were three items of significance for STARS. Don Blandon, from Investor Protection Trust, spoke to the RUSA Board about setting up investor education seminars that would be held within libraries. He is looking for about 20 libraries to volunteer to host the seminar. He is willing to take more than 20 if there is enough interest. Emily Sheketoff gave a brief Washington Office update on the Patriot Act. Lastly, a draft of Web guidelines was distributed at the meeting. Concerns were expressed about the draft in relation to if ADA and W3C standards were used. This item was tabled until the Tuesday, June 28, 2005 meeting so that suggested revisions could be incorporated. The rest of the agenda was tabled until the Tuesday meeting. Mary reported to the RUSA Board that STARS is proceeding to establish the three new committees that were outlined in the Section development plan. Two committees, Research and Statistics, and Cooperative Collection Development, will be finalized and populated fall 2005. There will be a discussion group meeting at Midwinter to talk about a topic/focus for a new discussion group. Agenda item #10: STARS Committee Reports Boucher Award Jennifer Block The Award was presented to Harry Kriz at the Interlibrary Loan Discussion Group meeting on Saturday morning. This years committee developed a FAQ for future Boucher Award committees. Codes, Guidelines and Technical Standards Margaret Ellingson CGTS sent forward a program proposal for 2006. Tom Delaney reminded the Committee that it is not too soon to set up a National ILL Code Review Committee. The ILL Code comes under the auspices of CGTS. There are additional codes and guidelines that should be reviewed, e.g., the Packaging and Wrapping Guidelines, in the near future. Education and Training Cyril Oberlander E&T plans to have an ILL 101 course available by September 2005. They are developing two surveys, one for library/information science schools and one for vendors, to determine what tutorials are already available. Lynn Wiley suggested Colleen Seale from RUSA should be contacted about the course. E&T want the course to be freely available as a tool to help new people. There may be restrictions on free Web products developed by association committees. CE courses cannot be connected to a vendor product so the ILL 101 course will focus on best practices, including international ILL, statistics and assessment. Interlibrary Loan Nada Vaughn ILL has also submitted a proposal for 2006. The preconference had a great turnout and was very positively received. Nada mentioned that several new ILL personnel were unaware of who Virginia Boucher is. Interlibrary Loan Discussion Group Amy Boucher There was good attendance at the meeting with lots of good feedback. Amy mentioned that perhaps a longer break or serving refreshments might be ideas to explore for next time. Kelly Hensley from East Tennessee was elected Co-Chair. Mary mentioned that the panel presentation went very well. International Interlibrary Loan David Atkins and Kathy Ridenour, co-chairs David had nothing additional to add to his report at the All STARS meeting. He raised a question about the relationship of the IFLA ILL representative to IILL. That representative has been appointed by the ILL Committee in the past. Anne moved that the IFLA representative be made an ex-officio member of the IILL Committee and, that the representative be asked to provide a written report to the STARS Executive Committee. Nada seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Legislation and Licensing Rick Uttich Rick reported that the Bernie Sanders amendment to the USA PATRIOT Act did pass in the House of Representatives. This amendment exempts libraries and book stores from divulging customer reading records. The amendment did not cover Internet records, including email. The amendment has no sponsor in the Senate and Bush has said he will veto the amendment if passed. L&L will do a presentation at the ILL Discussion Group meetings at Midwinter and Annual 2006 and will propose a program for 2007. Membership Stephanie Stephanie had many ideas/suggestions to report: The STARS brochure is currently up-to-date listing recent programs and pre-conferences but it will soon be out of date given all the activity of the Section. New committees and/or discussion groups will also need to be added to the brochure. Stephanie will check on the size of the print-run for the brochure and determine if it can be reprinted with additions/changes in spring 2006. The Membership Committee will aim to update it every two years. Membership wants to track membership trends. Eileen Hardy at RUSA can provide a list of members for this purpose. The list may be used to send a welcome email to new members and to follow-up with those who have not renewed their memberships. Funds may be available from RUSA to support sending printed letters and brochures to new members. Membership is interested in doing a follow-up survey if there are members who drop their STARS membership to determine why they did so. Surprisingly, only 80% of RUSA members have email. Stephanie will contact Eileen. A question was raised as to how many STARS members are new RUSA members. Membership suggests creating scripts for ambassadors to library and information schools to promote RUSA and STARS, and sending STARS representatives to the reception for International members or to New Members Roundtable meetings. There was general agreement that the current Friday-before- ILL dinner should be changed to a STARS dinner with recognition that it might become more difficult in terms of the change to an initial Friday night Executive Committee meeting each year. Mary suggested getting the brochures out but also getting STARS members to targeted events, and following up the current discussion with email to talk about other possible activities. Nominating Committee Karen Liston A fine slate of candidates for offices was provided and results have been previously announced. Collette Mak is the new Chair and work has begun on a new list of candidates. Vendor Relations Lars Leon Lars had nothing additional to report. Agenda item #11: RUSA Committee Reports Access to Information Paige Weston Paige reported that the Committee had four proposed resolutions to discuss, two of which represented opposing viewpoints. In particular, one resolution related to the threats to libraries by the use of biometric technology (e.g., identification by thumbprint) in libraries. The Committee completed their work at the first meeting so the second meeting was cancelled. Conference Program Coordinating Kristine Shrauger Two program slots were given to STARS; the two proposals sent forward were accepted. The program on digitization will be from 8 to 9:30am on Sunday, June 25, and the program on standards is set for 1:30 to 3:30pm on Saturday, June 24. The deadline for preconferences and programs for annual 2007 is February 2006. Membership Shelley Walchak Shelley reported that RUSA had a 1.73% increase in membership in the past year. The proposal to increase dues from $45 to $65 that was on the spring ballot was passed. Support for lower dues for library staff will be continued through 2006. ACRL chose to increase dues over a three-year period, from $35 to $45 then $55. There seems to be competition between these two divisions for the same members. Some feel that there is not a clear definition of what RUSA does. RUSA Membership Committee recommends that no volunteer for committee placement gets turned away. The renewal process is being reworked and notification methods are being reviewed. Options include postcard and/or email, email alone, or paper alone. Nominating Tanner Wray The slate this year will include Vice Chair/Chair-Elect, two directors, and one councilor. Organization Karen Liston Karen was not present. Planning and Finance Suzanne Sweeney and Anne Beaubien This Committee approved a reduced rate for retired members ($30). The 2006 RUSA budget was approved. In 2004 RUSAs budget ended in the red at -$10,000. In 2005, that had been turned into a positive $10,000. With the dues increase and some salary savings, the projected balance for 2006 is $61,000. It was decided to leave the associate director position open for the time being. A consultant will be used to review the recent member survey. $50,000 will be transferred from the reserve to the endowment which will increase interest for RUSA. Half of the interest earned from the endowment can be used to support programs. The income from the ILL preconference at this meeting has not yet been calculated. RUSA is encouraging pre-conferences and Web courses to help generate income. Professional development Colleen Seale (as reported to Mary Hollerich) Mary reported though the E&T Committee would like to provide an ILL 101 course without charge, this would be contrary to RUSA revenue goals. Currently there is one RUSA CE course on the reference interview. Other possible introductory courses include business reference, readers advisory, and genealogy. Publications Linda Fredriksen Linda reported that a new editor is needed for RUSQ and interviews will be starting at Midwinter. Standards and Guidelines Geneva Holliday Geneva reminded the group that it takes a long time to get a code revised and reviewed, that now would be a good time to begin working on the National ILL Code for the 2008 review. Three items were approved by RUSA S&G at their meeting: a large document on elements for reviews, guidelines for the introduction of electronic resources for users, and guidelines for establishing local history collections. These documents have been forwarded to Standards and Guidelines for approval. Agenda item #12: Old Business The pre-conference was a success! Margaret Ellingson will check on the income generated from the session. There were approximately 45 paid registrations. One problem that came up was that RUSA did not have the final description of the pre-conference which surprised some attendees. Margaret cautioned others to be sure to check the text of announcements and advertisements that are available. Margaret also offered to be a resource person for future pre-conferences. Karen Liston has the evaluations and will collate possible topics for future pre-conferences from them. Agenda item #13: New Business A pre-conference planning committee for Annual 2007 (Washington D. C.) needs to be set up. Possible topics include expansion of the Rethinking Resource Access/Sharing theme, hands-on standards, legislation and licensing, international treaties, advocacy training, cooperative reference, or ILL 101. Anne will accept volunteers for this committee. All committee chairs and representatives are encouraged to provide meeting highlight reports on their Web sites soon, hopefully by mid-July. A discussion of what should be on the STARS Web site produced the following suggestions: all committee rosters, publications, past pre-conference information, minutes, a FAQ for committee chairs, section handbook, individual pages for each committee. Further ideas may be sent to Anne. Mary reported that the Executive Committee has a vacancy and will be finding someone to fill the spot soon. Per the By Laws, the Executive Committee appoints replacements for vacant positions, in this case, Member at Large to replace Tanner who has been elected Vice Chair/Chair-Elect. As her last official duty, Mary turned the gavel over to Anne. Annes official first duty was to thank Mary for all her dedicated service to bring STARS in to being. The group agreed and applauded Mary on her efforts. Meeting adjourned at 4:15pm Respectfully submitted, Kay Vyhnanek Secretary     bef ! = ~  * 7 F G H p    x qĸĸĸĸ{tmtf h\h } h\hN?$ h\hp' h\hL&h\hw5 h\h& h\ha h\hiXE h\hS h\hwhL&hwCJaJhL&hw5CJaJhL&hO5CJaJh^z5CJaJ!h0h^zB*CJ^JaJph*jh0h^zB*CJU^JaJph'f ! 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