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She took the training again and is in the process of editing and updating the web pages, many of which now need some clean-up and reinstating broken links. 4. Acceptance of STARS Project for Emerging Leaders 2008. The Emerging Leaders program accepted the STARS proposed project of a survey to discover how interlibrary loan operations are staffed in different sizes and types of libraries. Last year, participants indicated their top three choices from the list of all the projects, and program organizers matched candidates with projects. The projects are typically carried out between the Midwinter and Annual conferences. There has been no information yet about matches for this years projects. 5. Guidelines As a result of discussion on both the two points below, the Executive Committee agreed that the Organization Committees work on the STARS Handbook should include information on developing guidelines and the process for approval through RUSA. a. Qualifications for ILL Operations Management. On behalf of the task force, S. Lieberthal inquired about next steps. The Executive Committee agreed that the task forces work should be codified as official RUSA guidelines. The next step is to invite G. Holliday, STARS representative to the RUSA Standards and Guidelines Committee, to attend the ILL Discussion Group meeting at the Midwinter conference at which the task forces work will be discussed and input solicited from attendees. The task force will then finalize the report and submit it to the Executive Committee. Exec will determine the best path to move the guidelines toward RUSA. b. Resource Sharing Response to Natural Disasters. The task force has been disbanded. M. Ellingson will ask Sarah McHone-Chase, the task forces chair, if she would be willing to take this document to the STARS Codes, Guidelines and Technical Standards Committee. It will likely need more work to meet the requirements for approval as a RUSA guidelines and we need to clarify who will do this work. After that work is complete, the guidelines would return to Exec for forwarding to RUSA. 6. RUSA Access to Information Committee M. Ellingson found a bibliography issued on this topic from this group, and will ask them if there are other documents that should be reviewed before providing the requested input on a new Statement on Access to Information. 7. STARS nominations to -Level Committees Although the deadline has passed, Exec suggested several STARS members who would be good candidates. M. Ellingson will ascertain if these members are interested in being considered in this capacity before forwarding their names. 8. Matters arising. a. M. Ellingson drew Execs attention to the wiki that the Organization Committee is using to develop the STARS Handbook. b. 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