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Ellingson advised the chair on the RUSA guidelines for developing guidelines. T. Wray inquired as to when the proposal will come to Exec. The chair, S. Lieberthal, will get back to M. Ellingson after the conference call. Program proposals from Leg & Lic and ILL Legislation and Licensing and the ILL committees each mentioned possible programs for 2009. M. Ellingson has heard back from ILL. Exec will review proposal(s) during the conference call in May. Revised ILL Code & Explanatory M. Ellingson talked to M. Slyhoff and G. Holliday about seeking approval at Anaheim. RUSA Standards and Guidelines Committee will need the revised guidelines a month before the conference. M. Slyhoff will send them to M. Ellingson on May 5, a week before the Exec conference call. STARS Codes, Guidelines, and Technical Standards are only proposing minor changes to the codes. Most of the changes are in the Explanatory text and RUSA is not as concerned about these. M. Ellingson also received an update on the Codes program. The committee plans a few skits to highlight a few areas of the code and explanatory section. Attendance of pre-conference T. Wray reported that as of April 2, 49 people are paid registrants. This is above the breakeven point of 40. FY2009 budget requests due to RUSA by May 1 The main potential budget request is funding a reprise of the ILL workshop. Exec does not anticipate doing it again for a future pre-conference, but conducting a similar workshop at other times and venues. The funding will pay for speakers travel expenses. M. Ellingson has not heard from C. Mak whether she is planning to submit a budget request. Exec needs the request proposal in the next two weeks to get it to RUSA. Exec agreed to handle the request via email. Qs re: vendor/liaison reports to STARS Exec discussed the value of continuing these reports and, if so, to whom should they go to and where should they appear on the website. Before STARS, ILL Discussion Group chair solicited these reports and they were presented at the discussion group meetings. They used to be more liaison reports from various organizations, like the Medical Library Association, but now it includes vendors (e.g., OCLC) too. M. Ellingsons inclination is for the liaison reports to go to the ILL Committee and the vendor reports to the Vendor Relations Committee. Exec decided to delegate the task to the chairs of ILL and Vendor Relations. If the ILL and Vendor Relations committees decide not to continue them, then the practice will be discontinued. They do not need to seek approval from Exec. Communicating re: Rethinking Resource Sharing (RSS) initiative M. Ellingson asked Exec members to maintain awareness of this initiative and to think of state and regional conferences to promote this initiative. As of right now, there are no plans for a forum. A facilitators guide is on the web page (http://www.rethinkingresourcesharing.org/index.html). You need to click on the Manifesto and scroll to the bottom to find the link to the facilitators guide. M. Ellingson recommended that RSS make the faciliators guide more prominent. M. Ellingson also asked if the wikis open since it asked her to login. T. Wray will investigate. M. Ellingson thought that people could share their innovative ideas and practices through the wiki. T. Wray provided some background on the committees. The Policies Committee is affiliated with STARS and includes a few STARS members. They recently restructured the Steering Committee and though it is no longer specifically tied to STARS, the STARS chair appoints STARS members as ex-officios. The Policies Committee chair (G. Persichini) is an ex-officio. A. Beaubien joined the Steering Committee when she was the STARS chair, and then T. Wray joined during his chairship of STARS. M. Ellingson and S. Atkins will discuss how to handle future appointments to RSS committees. Organization- Bylaws amendment Organization is working on the bylaws change for 2 webmasters. The deadline is the May conference call. This will allow for the 30 days notice that STARS is required to give before an in-person vote at the ILL Discussion Group meeting. Next conference call: The next conference call is scheduled for May 12, 2008. The meeting will expand to 3:30 in order to cover the pre-conference activity (programs, proposals, budget requests, etc.) \ward\STARSExec031708.doc 4/9/08 8?@GVY`bmw( + > ^ ƶ|n]O]O]hQ'oCJOJQJ^JaJ hEhCJOJQJ^JaJhECJOJQJ^JaJ h!yhCJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJhQ'oCJaJh%rhCJaJhCJaJh!yhCJaJ hN5 h5h_lh5!h/dhB*CJ^JaJph5jh|5h|5B*CJU^JaJmHnHphuWXY    & F (gd  (^gdE  & F (gd  (gdgd$a$gd^ a   E j   3 6 D H N O n $ { ￱ﱣށޣssssseЁh%rCJOJQJ^JaJhY9CJOJQJ^JaJ hEhyc-CJOJQJ^JaJ hEhY9CJOJQJ^JaJhECJOJQJ^JaJhCJOJQJ^JaJ h!yhCJOJQJ^JaJhQ'oCJOJQJ^JaJ hEhCJOJQJ^JaJ hEhCJOJQJ^JaJ" | } xy34gdE & FgdE^gd  & F (gdE  & F (gd  (gd  (^gdE{ | } $wy24<Bwz  UeпЮЮuhu[Qu[[uQu[uhQ'oOJQJ^JhEh%rOJQJ^JhEh6VOJQJ^JhEhN}OJQJ^JhEOJQJ^Jh%rOJQJ^JhN}OJQJ^JhQ'oCJOJQJ^JaJ hEhN}CJOJQJ^JaJ hEhyc-CJOJQJ^JaJ hEhECJOJQJ^JaJh%rCJOJQJ^JaJ hEh%rCJOJQJ^JaJ>%/1$¸󮤚ܤܤܐyϴϴ+ϴϴ6ϴ;ϴϴ%ϴ%ϴ6ϴ'ϴNϴ;ϴ%01*+;<TU gd("^gdgdE & FgdE$W!,RXh &<@T\)*+.7IK:;RS   ˷խߠ|hshCJ^JaJhshOJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhEh+OJQJ^Jh*}OJQJ^Jh+OJQJ^Jh=IOJQJ^Jh4HOJQJ^JhEOJQJ^Jh("OJQJ^Jh|vOJQJ^Jh|vh|vOJQJ^J/   7gd "(067hhCJ^JaJhCJ^JaJhhCJ^JaJ h^J21h:pNN/ =!"#$% Dd!.'  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