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Ellingson will attend the ILL Code Review Committee meeting and S. Atkins will attend the RUSA Volunteer Forum. 3. Review draft agenda for STARS Execs Midwinter meeting M. Ellingson led a discussion of the draft agenda. Discussion points for Dave Tyckoson, RUSA President, who will join the meeting for a few minutes, included Execs concerns about technical support for the web site and about STARS position in RUSA as its newest section. 4. Website update. K. Janke will attend training for the new web software at . needs to correct the link for the STARS volunteer form. Committee rosters are no longer password protected. The next conference call is scheduled for February 11, 2008 at 3:00 eastern. \ward\STARSExec010708.doc 1/25/08 befg   & ' ( ) ûxmbmWF h!yh~NCJOJQJ^JaJh!yhD/CJaJh!yhECJaJh!yhDCJaJh!yhCCJaJh!yh0%CJaJh!yhuoCJaJh!yh`ICJaJ h5 h>?5h_lhk5 h5h_lh'^5 h"5!h/dh#B*CJ^JaJph!h/dh`IB*CJ^JaJph*jh/dh`IB*CJU^JaJphfg' ( ) < = c d   " # 7 gdK  (gdET@gd`I$a$gd!`) - ; < J G Q s y    ! 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