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Need a subsection of the Education Committee to set up criteria and select a recipient. Invite someone to join the group who has been on the Boucher committee or other award committee experience The group should define what is meant by new. New to conference? New to ILL/resource sharing/circulation/document delivery Group should get together to do work so that it could be announced at Midwinter (or before) and someone could be selected by March (in enough time to make travel plans) Someone could self nominate, but nominations should be able to attend in New Orleans June 2006 Anne will check with to see if there are any RUSA/ restrictions 2. ILL 101 Preconference (Washington DC 2007) Karen Janke agreed to chair the Preconference The draft outline with beginning topics in the morning and advanced topics in the afternoon, shared by Cyril, was discussed. It was also felt that covering the beginning info in the morning and the advanced info in the afternoon would be too much in one day. STARS Exec agreed that there is a lot of information to cover for a course in beginning ILL 101 and recommend planning a whole day session on the basics of ILL. 3. STARS Preconference Washington DC 2007 (Julie Harwell, chair) update STARS is planning another Preconference for June 2007 in Washington DC designed for more advanced resource sharing issues. Julie Harwell is chairing that group and is working on a definition of her program which should meet the needs of more advanced folks. 4. A Response to Katrina (hurricane victims) from STARS The Executive Committee felt STARS should respond and it should be a response separate from s Adopt a library; it should help libraries across the region and allow libraries across the country to participate. Publics as well as academics should be involved. Mary Hollerich and Tom Schneider will develop a charge by November 14 and they are both willing to be on the task force. Anne will ask Tom Delaney to chair the Task Force; Mary is willing to lead 5. STARS Website update- Celia Everything will change in 7 months Celia has had training Several STARS pages not accessible-some not working Want to enter the committees as can; Celia is chipping away at it-trying to get basics in. Donovan working with her Any new material for the website should go to Celia 6. Job description for RUSA Reprevised (draft attached) Review at next conference call. 9. Schedule next conference call Originally scheduled 12-8-05 11 am but we are looking for a new time when all can participate. News 1. Cooperative/Remote Circulation Task Force Anne the STARS portion of this TF. They will meet for the first time at midwinter. 2. Cooperative Collection Development Committee. The charge has been approved by RUSA/CODES. Anne needs to appoint folks to the committee so they can meet for the first time at Midwinter. I welcome suggestions for a STARS co-chair. Charge: To study, promote, and support cooperative collection development and related user service issues. 3. Rethinking Resource Sharing will be held in Chicago Nov 12 & 15. Tanner, Mary H, Cyril, and perhaps Lynn will attend. beg. 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