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At that time, the Committee can vote to accept these items en masse. Should a member feel that an item warrants further discussion, it can be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed at face-to-face meetings at . RUSA STARS/Atlas Mentoring Award proposal Reviewed proposal from the Education and Training Committee to make the Mentoring Award a permanent STARS award. The Committee agreed to a few minor wording changes in the document. Now that STARS has two awards (Mentoring and Boucher) we discussed the pros and cons of announcing vs. giving the award at the ILL Discussion Group meeting or at the RUSA Awards Ceremony. We agreed to announce the mentoring award at the Discussion Group, but to present it at the RUSA Awards Ceremony. We will work to transition the Boucher Award to this same procedure. We also discussed recipient selection for the two awards. We agreed that this year a subcommittee of the Education and Training Committee would select the Mentoring recipient, but that in future years a better arrangement would be to name a STARS Awards Committee which would select winners for all STARS awards. All members voted in favor of the single Awards Committee concept and to support the Mentoring Award proposal with minor edits.. LAMA/SASS RUSA/STARS Cooperative Remote Circulation Committee proposal Reviewed proposal from the RUSA/STARS LAMA/SASS Cooperative/Remote Circulation Task Force to create the committee. We confirmed that any interns would be extra members. A few minor revisions were made. We then voted to accept the proposal to form this committee. T. Wray will inform the Task Force and LAMA/SASS.  ’s Emerging Leaders Program to train 100 new librarians in leadership  HYPERLINK "http://lb.princetonlibrary.org/emerging_leaders.html" http://lb.princetonlibrary.org/emerging_leaders.html STARS wants to submit two names for consideration to RUSA. We suggested three possible nominees (two of whom were later found to be ineligible). T. Wray will approach candidates. Section 108 Study Group. How will STARS provide input? We agreed that the right liaison group would be Legislation and Licensing. A. Beaubien will investigate further the timeline for the Section 108 group and if there will be specific questions or provisions of section 108 that we need to address. Hot Topics Discussion Group. Deferred to next meeting. Update from Rethinking Resource Sharing Charter Group. Deferred to next meeting. EPA Libraries Closing. We expressed our concern, but decided that ’s official stand on this topic was the best that could be done. Next Conference Call. October 9, 3:00 Eastern time Other points mentioned: Exec meetings, conference calls, and agendas will be posted in advance on STARS-L since our meetings will be open. Reminder that the Webmaster and Newsletter Editor are ex-officio, non-voting members. /ward/STARSexec092806min.doc 9/6/06     PAGE  PAGE 2  "#ABQRYZщј  + Y \ ^ Œ ’ ” ћ Ц Ч б в § p s Й 5stuvМНУХ/1ЦљњѕэхѕнхеЭЩСЩНЩЙЩЕ­ЉЅЉЅЙЅЙЅЁЅЁЅЙЅ–Œ„~x~rxl hHmт^J hnф^J hж&^J hжAS^Jh?ШhF+‰>*h?ШhF+‰>*^J h'_MhэhэhИjPhж&hжASh?Шh'_M>*h RhHmтhМgЇh?Шh R>*hg9hg9hF+‰5hg9hg95hF+‰h~ђ5hF+‰hF+‰5hF+‰hХ,љ5 h~ђ5 h;ш5*#RZ[\ежцчшщј] ^ Œ uvНњќПtїїїїђђђђђїїъсмъсзЯсзЯЦЯ„h^„hgd+q‡ & FgdF+‰gdэgd R„h^„hgdжAS & Fgd'_Mgdg9$a$gdF+‰*ўўљњћќEFˆ‰НОПєјPst‹ŒЊЋŸ ЂНйкл+,.CДЕЖЪЫъ04hlvЪЫоњіячулулелубЭбЩХНЕЩХБЩіЩХЉЩЅХЩ™•ЕЩ•Щ‰Щб…б…бЩ™ЩhHmт h?Шh?Ш h?Ш>*h RhМgЇh?Шh R>*h Кh?Шh К>*hnфh?Шh?Ш>*h?Шhэ>*hэh?Шh+q‡hж& hF+‰0JjhF+‰UhF+‰h?ШhF+‰>* hF+‰hэhИjP hэ^J0ЁЂкл-.ЕЖъыvЬЭЮЯабвгдежіёщёсмдЯдммЧЧЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯ & Fgdж&gd?Ш & Fgd?Шgd R & Fgdnф & Fgd Кgdэ„h^„hgdэжзийклмно   '()*+њњњњњњњњњјјјјјјјјьујьујјњ„h]„hgdж& „јџ„&`#$gd)o7gd?Шо§   #$%&')*+ѕэѕхсхсхсхсзбзбЭзбзТзбЭсѕh[Ж0JmHnHuh[Ж h[Ж0Jjh[Ж0JUhѓ{ьjhѓ{ьUh[ЖCJaJh?Шh?ШCJaJ5 01h:pж&Аа/ Ар=!А"А# $ %ААаАа а†œH@ёџH Normal CJOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@ђџЁD Default Paragraph FontRiѓџГR  Table Normalі4ж l4жaі (kєџС(No List4U@Ђё4 F+‰ Hyperlink >*phџ4@4 ж&Header  ЦрР!.)@Ђ. ж& Page NumberH™"H {‹ Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ+ $џџџџ#RZ[\ежцчшщј]^ŒuvНњќПt  Ё Ђ к л - . 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