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The charge, membership composition and duties will be determined later. IFLA applications The two applications received for this position were reviewed. Anne will clarify some questions raised by the Executive Committee and proceed as appropriate. STARS discussion group update-Asch This agenda item was postponed as Asch was not in attendance. Rethinking Resource Sharing Committee charge The redrafted version of the charge was approved by acclamation. It will be posted on the STARS Website as soon as possible. Exception for Karen to be Webmaster and chair of the ILL 101 Preconference There was a general discussion of issues related to having one person serve in these two capacities. Tanner mentioned that he has been having some diffculty getting chairs for various committees. After considering various factors the Executive Committee approved exception by acclamation. Report of the Joint Cooperative/Remote Circulation Task Force (RUSA STARS and LAMA SASS) There was a lengthy discussion of the report submitted by the task force working on setting up the joint committee. Questions that arose during the discussion included the size of the Committee, whether the term access services was accurate in the description of the Committee, and what projects might appropriately be handled by the Committee. Some potential projects discussed included reviewing the status of OCLCs Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program, developing parameters for portable borrowing privileges, reviewing the many different interfaces for doing borrowing and developing a standard interface. The report was approved in concept but sent back to the Task Force with the following suggestions: change the composition of the group to 5 members from each section, remove the reference to interns (but retain the idea of including them), consider the list of potential projects, change the last sentence of the charge to include projects. Anne will send a memo to the Task Force Co-chairs with a copy to LAMA SASS outlining these possible changes and requesting a final document back for review by the Executive Committee. Minutes approval January 23 Exec Committee January 23 All STARS meeting April 11 Exec Committee May 3 Exec Committee This agenda item was deferred due to lack of time. Approval of these minutes will be on the agenda for meetings in New Orleans. Matters arising Anne presented a format for a petition for the Hot Topics Discussion Group. The Executive Committee accepted the document as drafted by Anne. It will be made available at meetings in New Orleans. Organization Committee: Mary Hollerich and Lars Leon prepared a recommendation on the formation of a STARS Organization Committee. There were several questions about the relationship of this Committee to the Executive Committee. The ACRL model is that the Chair of the Organization Committee is an Ex-Officio member of the Executive Committee. Tanner suggested creating a place-holder in the STARS structure for this Committee with a note that the charge is to be determined. Anne will ask Mary and Lars to make further recommendations to the Executive Committee on the relationship between the two committees, e.g, which committee will actually be in charge of strategic planning, what would the link be between the committees, should the Organization Committee Chair be ex-officio on the Executive Committee, and how would the committees communicate their activities to each other in order to stay in sync? The conference call was adjourned at 5:05pm EDT. Respectfully submitted, Kay Vyhnanek Secretary     begdzǑo^M?@ABgdL!%h^hgd' 7$8$H$gd{ 7$8$H$gdqbgd,0*+,./1245789:;<=>?@ABCDEh7-h+hiQjhiQU h]hL!%CJOJQJ^JaJBCDEgdL!%21h:p+/ =!"#8$8% Dd!&'t  S PAstars_barSTARS logo barRz7lqPa]b-DFz7lqPa]b-JFIFffC     C   &X" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?Se\;چiqe'-1M0H¼{Q#Z-VO[G}?wVj| BNm}E~|P|K"OwQPOa*WG?ÅY}:F`Y_a)~;t5OCxFc*5̚s['wm:|/;rT"M'm.שO7BG#I$L66Jk[(1ڹk_U|9}̕ sO u?SZ^%"X~pd(=xZViۚQU;t5g4+{(r'Ӟ? rj7*ǿh_o4ZAl) Xe`x_Nի?P~Nf=}O3|B'dv@SW_\̡Xokkl}m:.SޤVU}YT-{x_~0/-O,! < Td!/657=ǰC7WX!ʂ5ڊv/4/< O>+?/"?C4_T!xQy<_MSbϳߎ<_MH><o:lPW=1xw/om/&ϺaQ_ 'Og[oR/!4}N}v]_#Gӓ u4}N}[_&35 ,`߈>S3+D9/#>Z<^.M=~0kIAG?~0x 7oICӣ}9E|>.&ʳj⢲[ICң}+ܿ.>J+ZH7։~)}^]}Wk'__G|/Q%[fzQVf *U|/R2+PH|Q|/T]E7 ^ɕ{Eq @GT_?#*}+IuӏH ^͏#[j7?ݢs /&#.VW2fIgRV9+r}RƯC^ vZG}!o*Tc'nry+^;{9|G<+t c(ϜakM6OjT!Р Ts? #ȩ߃Q^u^s~4֗DYdXP*5|ʤ(qm'C)/}͟|e2p϶Fl+aq]3VѴ/5x4ny" OźAgO0>`Mj]k[2 +B^[Op=Gyuz،8Zmz-w>-Ysv}|xnnN2qPX?v?YxfG5Y;tG'5),4]t\j0h{V5ܚxLu=FPT7i@'b*Tt԰ >e3g_u:}n\Ǵ;qkt}]_GVfG (lz_^24Xq򄸹X?Z~ 7|O:.ӽü7afwb)Tc'yJ>#9_X:;<ڹDVXKrf8w X6-*ʃz:BpxJgh_mi Oϱmt:O?wwqj7L$H3lRŚ,6w1j2Z-RNq?Ete2WMy5LR SzB|~]4^֞KmZeg?k['}y/!][|:f#vn{xJڝ!\)Z҇^bmoNn 3W a:mNO_&{|?ڥi ć9=}:]isi0L@xbꧨ ֬1 Fv'L9 Q9hZ  3{*~2XʂFܲW5y~ `jmg_~k0S_7Zc2*J8t| ?-j ){Qhb>z'O Nu MBu%8ɤ|iBޡ~MH>)C#JEI.??ɧ15EՊƤ7q"47s"5K|> <`>F ]ѯ(vz_ωgzw*п}~}E\acf|X Xχѩᇊ k("3OV+ 4a&>.ɧ|3V{~J>xWQvM?gI84ky~}uE/˰3>I N?٩׉ʊ>.O:0?f Ŀf˰3>W|I[jD0 w~}IE/˱_ٔ0/i_]߳R?Su~}#E/Kx#^S'Р.5E}j]χ3n@ǃu0˟4R̻>_@6W:? +v+0 O q|Tš?(?Gm\>O j>⽚_XaJ_ ?R 35RGH76S5(u.s5Rϱ_Us͓C ?%jXkyD}XxEi?ti?(Y^w8.GM*hs\/Tg>򮂊\fDgmTm(j*yQHjTJЯZ)R(((+ZKL@SEx~z`ΥsӚx"8`(ǐ]0qfE$w*Kg`dxVM.dRWm [xCMvm QEa@WaWq|ӭƲY`GOZ(`4gN>`Jr,QE?6^&aYy@pk٥Y_H9rhngj)QEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQED@D NormalCJ_HaJmH nHsH tHDAD Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List $L@$ KDate4@4 +Header  !4 @4 +Footer  !E4 z zi Efg56Ax*hi}?}(sb s X Y i /&'()*9=F$I$$s$s$s$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v: $v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v: $v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$$fg56Ax*hi}?}(sb s X Y i /&'()*+-.01346789:=>?@CF00000000000000000 00 00 00 00 00 0 0b  0b  0b  0b 00 0 0Y  0Y 00000000000000C0000C0000C0000C000000TC@000TTC@00 0QCA08e00uC0fgAx*hi}(s Y '()*F000000F0000 000 0 0 0 0 000 0  0  x z *E} &BEDbdEC@  @H 0(  0(  B S  ? % % lNQ% 7:% tB% % TS% OK%  Y% tX% % 4"% WdK K ""F   gV V --F 8.*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity98*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace8 4*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagstime? 6*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags stockticker8 5*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsdate 051415172006456DayHourlsMinuteMonthtransYear          +F+F456@AAxx**g%)F+F <CGP6{ ,bnZ*Mbq~lBo$k7Wv" E U zp e {~ |_sdl{xOf>KS `s l BqLGI7e+3%L!%fS&))y*Z+$9,Is,7-R-. v.gw.A13# 3'4p6q7C,8vF8z8Z:^?r?*B2B#E%J;LKi"/wVCf5@8E`@UnknownG: Times New Roman5Symbol3& : Arial;SimSun[SO?5 z Courier New;Wingdings"qhFܧFu  u !8r4d"" 3QHP(?K2 beaubien Kay VyhnanekH          Oh+'0t  $ 0 < HT\dl  beaubienNormalKay Vyhnanek4Microsoft Office Word@@(@~8@ ӱu՜.+,0 hp   DSS/Ulib  "\  Title  !"#$%'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUWXYZ[\]`Root Entry F0 ӱbData 1Table&NWordDocument44SummaryInformation(NDocumentSummaryInformation8VCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qRoot Entry F@Q2ӱgData 1Table&NWordDocument44  !"#$%'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUfSummaryInformation(NDocumentSummaryInformation8hCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q՜.+,D՜.+,4 hp   DSS/Ulib  "\  Title4 $,