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The committee discussed the topics they want speakers to cover. Interlibrary Loan Committee (Kirstin Steel). The committee is developing a program proposal for the 2009 annual conference. The topic will be ILL in the 21st century with special emphasis on audio visual material, both traditional and streaming. The committee is developing an A/V vendor list. Throw Off Your Policies Pre-conference Committee (Anne Beaubien). Anne drew attendees attention to the pre-conference flyer at the back of the room. Stephen Abrams will be the keynote speaker. A panel will explore options for changing resource sharing. Anne thanked the sponsors which include OCLC, Rapid ILL, and Emerald. Education and Training Committee (Collette Mak). The group will award the third STARS/Atlas Mentoring Award. The committees ILL pre-conference attracted over 75 attendees. There is interest in offering the pre-conference at the next Midwinter conference and in considering offering it each year on an ongoing basis. Vendor Relations Committee (Gary Johnson). The group has developed a prototype wiki. A major concern is that the document delivery systems offered by the major vendors do not allow interoperability. The committee will investigate open source freeware options. Legislation and Licensing Committee. (Charlotte Rubens). The committee is developing a program proposal on privacy for the 2009 annual conference, tentatively titled Leave Our Patrons Alone. More information will appear soon on the website. There will be coordination with the Rethinking Resource Sharing group to add copyright information to the site. Membership Committee (Rob Cagna). The committee will review the STARS welcome letter, brochure, and survey. It will also investigate the possibility of getting STARS ribbons for conference badges. The group will plan the STARS social event at the annual conference. Codes, Guidelines and Technical Standards Committee (Merle Slyhoff). The committee has several projects: (1) Storage collections and interlibrary loan; (2) commonality in the language of licenses for e-resources as concerns interlibrary loan practice; (3) develop short tem listservs to get feedback on topics. This committee will work with other groups as needed to find the right place for the document on ILL response to natural disasters. Corinne Nyquist is this committees representative to the Rethinking Resource Sharing group. The committee is holding a program at the annual conference: Dont Run a Mickey Mouse Operation: Using the ILL Code to Develop Best Practices International Interlibrary Loan Committee (did not meet). A group of interested attendees had an informal discussion. One conclusion is that North American librarians need to receive better information on how to ship material abroad so that the receiving libraries are not required to pay customs duty on the items. Announcments. 1. Margaret Ellingson announced the STARS candidates for the upcoming elections: Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Denise Forro, Michigan State University (unopposed). Secretary: Judy (Ann) Jerabek, Sam Houston State University; Anne M. BouvierUniversity of Buffalo. Member-at-Large: Merle Slyhoff, University of Pennsylvania; David K. Larsen, University of Chicago 2. Anne Beaubien announced that the Alliance of Library Networks, which has been funding the Resource Sharing Innovation Award since 2005, would continue to do so this year with three awards of $1000 each. The application deadline is in March. More information will follow on the listserv soon. 3. Kevin Wilks, Hot Topic Discussion Group chair, invited attendees to the groups meeting. 4. Joan Stein provided details about IFLA vouchers. IFLA was considering retiring the vouchers issued by the British Library and putting expiration dates on new ones. The decision is that the British Library vouchers will be retired; however, vouchers issued by IFLA will not have expiration dates. Joan recommends using up any British Library vouchers or turning them in to get the new IFLA-issued ones. 5. Stephanie Atkins, STARS vice chair, alerted members that a call for volunteers for committee assignments will be made soon. 6. Margaret Ellingson reminded attendees that current committee members may be eligible for committee reappointments and urged them to submit a new volunteer form if they wished to continue on a committee, be considered for committee chair, or be appointed to a new committee. 7. Margaret Ellingson announced that Deb McKern had resigned from the Legislation and Licensing Committee because she will soon be moving to Brazil. 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