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The Committee is developing brochures about the code. They have explored various means to get the brochures out to current/potential practitioners, such as distributing print brochures at meetings and conferences, putting an electronic version on the STARS web page, and sending print brochures to library science schools. They also want to post links of appropriate resources on the STARS web page. Legislation and Licensing Committee. (Charlotte Rubens). The Committee drafted and coordinated the RUSA/STARS response to the Section 108 revision. It is also planning a program meeting for the Chicago 2009 meeting on privacy, social networking, vendor responses, etc., tentatively titled Let Our Users Alone. International Interlibrary Loan Committee (Jennifer Cella). The committee discussed how to move forward on the survey results. A preliminary analysis will be available in a few weeks, with a fuller report in a few months on patterns observed in the survey results. Vendor Relations Committee (Gary Johnson). The committee is planning the resource sharing yellow pages for the wiki. It will be a directory of stakeholders in resource sharing. The committee is also investigating document delivery systems in terms of the global implications of interoperability challenges. A standard is needed to guide vendors when they create document transmission systems. Open source is preferred. Task Force on Qualifications for Interlibrary Loan Operations Management (Susan Lieberthal). The Committee received 599 responses out of 1500 surveys sent. There was a good cross section of respondents from different types of libraries. The major question: is an MLS required? The committee will analyze the data further. Interlibrary Loan Committee (Nancy Patterson). The Committee is working with Michelle Voss of the ALCTS Holdings Information Committee to develop protocols, standardized holdings, etc. The Committee will post a standard ILL reciprocal agreement form on the wiki. An audio-visual lending list is in development. The Committee plans to propose a program for the 2009 annual conference on licensing e-materials for resource sharing. The Committee would like to explore having a liaison with the Vendor Relations Committee. Membership Committee (Marilee Glover). The STARS social event was successful and well-attended. January 11, 2008 is proposed as the evening for the next one at midwinter in Philadelphia. Four STARS members served at the RUSA booth at the Pavilion in the exhibits. The Committee is keeping the STARS brochure up to date. STARS membership has risen from 568 is April 2006 to 774 in April 2007. This 36% increase makes STARS the fastest growing section within RUSA. Tanner Wray, STARS chair, provided some additional updates and information: % The Executive Committee recently accepted the report from the Task Force on Resource Sharing Response to Natural Disasters. The report is moving forward through RUSA to be considered as official guidelines. % STARS committee accomplishments are excellent, especially since all the committees were formed over the past three years. % The Interlibrary Loan 101 pre-conference was cancelled due to low enrollment. STARS will investigate transforming to content to an electronic mode. % Atlas Systems has committed to supporting the Mentoring Award on an ongoing basis. Many thanks to Atlas. % Many thabefgy3 4 < ? 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Margaret Ellingson, STARS chair-elect, announced that there are still opportunities for volunteers to serve on committee and to be nominated for elected positions in the upcoming spring elections. /ward/STARSallstarsSum07.doc 724//07 [with an assist from Stephanie Atkins] (((H)I)J)Q)U)V)W)j)m)t)y)z)})))Žvh~hiICJaJhCJaJh~hyH!CJaJh~h&CJaJh~hgCJaJh~hm|CJaJh~CJaJhxtlCJaJh~hxtlCJaJh~h%)CJaJh~hiICJaJh~h3I5CJaJh~h3ICJaJUT)U)V)W))21h:p/ =!"#$% Dd#t  S PAstars_barSTARS logo barRz7lqPa]b-DFz7lqPa]b-JFIFffC     C   &X" }!1AQa"q2#BR$3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz w!1AQaq"2B #3Rbr $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ?Se\;چiqe'-1M0H¼{Q#Z-VO[G}?wVj| BNm}E~|P|K"OwQPOa*WG?ÅY}:F`Y_a)~;t5OCxFc*5̚s['wm:|/;rT"M'm.שO7BG#I$L66Jk[(1ڹk_U|9}̕ sO u?SZ^%"X~pd(=xZViۚQU;t5g4+{(r'Ӟ? rj7*ǿh_o4ZAl) Xe`x_Nի?P~Nf=}O3|B'dv@SW_\̡Xokkl}m:.SޤVU}YT-{x_~0/-O,! < Td!/657=ǰC7WX!ʂ5ڊv/4/< O>+?/"?C4_T!xQy<_MSbϳߎ<_MH><o:lPW=1xw/om/&ϺaQ_ 'Og[oR/!4}N}v]_#Gӓ u4}N}[_&35 ,`߈>S3+D9/#>Z<^.M=~0kIAG?~0x 7oICӣ}9E|>.&ʳj⢲[ICң}+ܿ.>J+ZH7։~)}^]}Wk'__G|/Q%[fzQVf *U|/R2+PH|Q|/T]E7 ^ɕ{Eq @GT_?#*}+IuӏH ^͏#[j7?ݢs /&#.VW2fIgRV9+r}RƯC^ vZG}!o*Tc'nry+^;{9|G<+t c(ϜakM6OjT!Р Ts? #ȩ߃Q^u^s~4֗DYdXP*5|ʤ(qm'C)/}͟|e2p϶Fl+aq]3VѴ/5x4ny" OźAgO0>`Mj]k[2 +B^[Op=Gyuz،8Zmz-w>-Ysv}|xnnN2qPX?v?YxfG5Y;tG'5),4]t\j0h{V5ܚxLu=FPT7i@'b*Tt԰ >e3g_u:}n\Ǵ;qkt}]_GVfG (lz_^24Xq򄸹X?Z~ 7|O:.ӽü7afwb)Tc'yJ>#9_X:;<ڹDVXKrf8w X6-*ʃz:BpxJgh_mi Oϱmt:O?wwqj7L$H3lRŚ,6w1j2Z-RNq?Ete2WMy5LR SzB|~]4^֞KmZeg?k['}y/!][|:f#vn{xJڝ!\)Z҇^bmoNn 3W a:mNO_&{|?ڥi ć9=}:]isi0L@xbꧨ ֬1 Fv'L9 Q9hZ  3{*~2XʂFܲW5y~ `jmg_~k0S_7Zc2*J8t| ?-j ){Qhb>z'O Nu MBu%8ɤ|iBޡ~MH>)C#JEI.??ɧ15EՊƤ7q"47s"5K|> <`>F ]ѯ(vz_ωgzw*п}~}E\acf|X Xχѩᇊ k("3OV+ 4a&>.ɧ|3V{~J>xWQvM?gI84ky~}uE/˰3>I N?٩׉ʊ>.O:0?f Ŀf˰3>W|I[jD0 w~}IE/˱_ٔ0/i_]߳R?Su~}#E/Kx#^S'Р.5E}j]χ3n@ǃu0˟4R̻>_@6W:? +v+0 O q|Tš?(?Gm\>O j>⽚_XaJ_ ?R 35RGH76S5(u.s5Rϱ_Us͓C ?%jXkyD}XxEi?ti?(Y^w8.GM*hs\/Tg>򮂊\fDgmTm(j*yQHjTJЯZ)R(((+ZKL@SEx~z`ΥsӚx"8`(ǐ]0qfE$w*Kg`dxVM.dRWm [xCMvm QEa@WaWq|ӭƲY`GOZ(`4gN>`Jr,QE?6^&aYy@pk٥Y_H9rhngj)QEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQEQE@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List4U@4 iI Hyperlink >*phHH  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ.fgyIJKL'(ghst  f g t u RSTstHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000IJKt  f g t u R0A"00@x 000B"00`# $ +v00000' )uT)))bdC8@0(  B S  ? 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