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The committee has a draft of the ILL Operations Management Guidelines that she would like to have presented to the Exec Committee at the next meeting. Foss is not able to attend but will have another committee member present the document. ILL Workshop at Midwinter (Forro) All supported the ILL Workshop planned for Midwinter. Forro will forward this support to the RUSA office for publicity. Wolfe mentioned that Lyrasis is handling the registration for this event (Thanks!). NISO Physical Delivery of Library Resources (Forro) There is a proposal for a working group to create standards for this activity. Forro contacted the sponsors of the proposal to indicated RUSA STARS interest in this because of the work done on the InterLibrary Loan Code of the United States (a RUSA STARS document). The sponsors agreed that if the proposal is approved, a member of STARS will be considered for the working group. Foss agreed to serve if appointed to this group. Emerging Leaders Program (Atkins) The group completed the project and a feed was put up to the ILL database. Atkins will foll0w-up with the group on any further activities in regard to the project. Section Review (Forro) Forro reminded Exec Committee that the STARS section review is coming up this year. As soon as she hears from RUSA, she will let the committee know. Forro asked for help in working through the process. Atkins relayed that the Organization Committee should be involved in the process as well since they maintain the STARS Wiki. Matters arising Atkins will work with Mary Hollerich on the ILL online course. RUSA is very interested in this being developed right away. Bruno will ask about the CMS for the Web and find out where that stands. He will also contact Uttrich about clean-up issues and training. Nominating Committee update (Wolfe) Wolfe listed the members willing to run for office. There is a dual slate for Vice-chair and Member-at-Large. The committee is still looking for members to run for secretary. Wolfe will send out e-mail to the various lists asking for interested parties. 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