ࡱ> LNK Cbjbj .$C >>,A32222222$47222^^^j2^2^^,/AL8-230A3-878N780//\78`/L^22A378> G:  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.ala.org/Images/RUSA/sections/stars/stars_bar.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  /RUSA/STARS Executive Committee Conference Call February March 8, 2010, 3-4pm Eastern Present: W. Allen; S. Atkins; T. Baich; M. Bean; J. Block; A. Bouvier (secretary); K. Calhoun; D. Forro (chair); M. Foss; D. Hasty; D. Larsen; S. Michaels; B. Sewell; C. Townsend. 1. Approval of Agenda: It was approved. 2. Program Proposal for 2011 (Long): a. There is some question as to who is the target audience of this program. Will there be a university setting focus? b. Since the Co-Chair of the Codes/Collection Development Committee has not seen the proposal, discussion was tabled. A revised copy will be distributed for discussion. c. Candice reported the ILL group would like to submit a program proposal. Denise advised her on filling out the appropriate form. The deadline for submission to the Executive Committee is April 1st. Once received it will be discussed and passed along to RUSA Board. 3. STARS chat RUSA initiative (Forro): a. Denise reported that Connect has chat functionality. She will inquire to see if the Membership Committee would be willing to pick a date and topic to chat about. 4. Guideline for Natural Disasters posting for comment (Forro): a. Michelle posted for comment earlier. Stephanie suggested more listservs to post the guidelines to for comment. 5. ILL Operations Guidelines (Foss): a. The guidelines were revised according to the suggestions provided by the Executive Committee. 6. ILL Information and Library Science Courses (Foss): a. There is a need for Access Service courses (including ILL) since this area is often left out of Library School curricula. 7. Online ILL Course update (Bean): a. Four current speakers were interviewed. They felt the written guidelines need to be clarified. They also recommended one person be the contact person for questions concerning RUSA guidelines and contract information. b. Margaret will send Denise a list of questions. c. Marketing these classes to Library Schools was recommended. 8. Vendor Relations Committee review of mission (Hasty/Forro): a. Doug reported there is some question as to the purpose of the committee. The idea of the committee transitioning to a Task Force, and there temporary in nature, may be what is needed. This issue will be discussed at the All Committee meeting at Annual. 9. RUSA Update deadline/next issue (Calhoun): a. Katherine reported the deadline is tomorrow. There are four reports to include. RUSA Update is going through some changes that are not clear at the moment. 10. Matters arising: a. Michelle reported the NISO Physical Delivery Working Group is meeting next week and will be extended to May or possibly June. The next conference call will be April 12th, 2010 at 3:00 Eastern. bef   ! 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