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Denise is keeping up to date on this. Items can be edited but not deleted. No further scheduling issues have arisen. 4. Second Webmaster Position (Forro): a. Denise will contact Rich. If he is unable to serve another call will go out to the membership for other candidates for the position. 5. STARS chat RUSA initiative (Forro): a. RUSA has proposed the use of chat via Connect. Denise will get more details and report back to Exec. 6. Guideline for Natural Disasters posting for comment (Foss): a. A post will be sent out asking for comment and then to the RUSA Standards Commitee. 7. ILL Operations Guidelines (Foss): a. Nothing new to report. 8. ILL Information and Library Science Courses (Foss): a. Nothing new to report. 9. Online ILL Course: a. Margaret has contacted 5 possible members who have experience to be instructors. 10. Annual Preconference and Program - Update a. The website is up and taking registrations. The program is set and there is the possibility of it being a virtual conference. 11. Award Winner Update and Approval (closed conference) The next conference call will be March 8th, 2010 at 3:00 Eastern. bef{t?A = > ? CJ^JaJ^JCJOJQJ^JaJ CJ^JaJCJaJ5B*CJ^JaJphjB*CJU^JaJphfefyz{st@A ( 7$8$H$$a$? f g   ) * F G ; < ?  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