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Sends information to the IRRT Web Editor to be included on the IRRT Website Conducts all the duties of an IRRT Committee Chairs Consults with and advises the IRRT Chair regarding Committee membership. Corresponds with Committee members and oversees the Committee member assignments. Reports to the IRRT Executive Board at midwinter and annual conferences. Prepares and submits a report following midwinter and annual conferences. Attends the Committee Chair Orientation at midwinter and annual conferences. Provides Committee text and updates for inclusion on the IRRT Website and in International Leads to the editors as appropriate. Chairs the Committee at midwinter and annual meetings. Prepares and distributes the agenda in advance. Sets the time of the meeting during the IRRT All Committee session. If a new Chair, the Chair should communicate with the outgoing Chair to ensure an understanding of the ongoing work of the Committee. Members In addition to the Chair, the Subcommittee consists of 4-6 members. Members are appointed by the IRRT Chair-elect in consultation with the International Visitors Center Committee Chair . Members serve a one- or two-year renewable term. Member responsibilities: As assigned to specific committee members for implementation Assist in recruiting volunteers to staff the IVC. Assist in preparing brochures, etc. for the IVC. Assist in staffing the IVC. Provide input to the Chair on how the IVC should be organized/run. Processes that are used Committee members discuss services and hours of the IVC at meetings and via email. IVC hours are set to follow the hours of the annual conference exhibits. Usually, Saturday Monday, 9a.m.-5p.m. The Committee solicits volunteers to staff the IVC and sets a volunteer schedule. members that are not IRRT members are allowed to staff the IVC. The Committee compiles the information that will be used/distributed at the IVC as well as a volunteer manual for volunteers. The Committee works with IRO staff to publicize the IVC. The Committee works with IRO staff to set up and dismantle the IVC. The Committee tries to develop methods to assess the usefulness of the IVC (including gathering IVC usage statistics). Timeline for Action/Calendar Before Midwinter Contact committee members: introductions, set meeting time for Midwinter Develop To Do list, etc. for IVC Send committee members Midwinter agenda and schedule a couple of weeks before meeting Midwinter IVC Chair should attend IRRT Chairs Meeting IVC committee members meet during the IRRT All Subcommittee Meeting Divide tasks between members that need to be done before Annual Meeting IVC Chair attends IRRT Executive Board Meeting to give written/oral report Anytime before Annual Conference In cooperation with the IRRT Orientation Committee, gather notebook info: (only need one copy) general information: attractions, restaurants, Internet cafes, currency, telephones, public transportation, ethnic neighborhoods, foreign language resources, translators, list of consulates in the area etc. gathered from the web, travel books, phone directories, etc. also include conference material such as a list of international programs and meetings List of all international activities usually available on the IRO web site www.ala.org/iro/international.htm Ask the IRO for the site of the International Reception and write out very detailed directions for visitors. Create an overview brochure: a two-sided sheet with general information about the conference and host city. January/February Contact the editor of International Leads, an IRRT publication, (published quarterly in March, June, September, December) to put out a call for volunteers to staff the IVC in the March issue. Write the blurb for International Leads and send it to the editor. March Begin soliciting IVC staff volunteers contact libraries/library systems/library schools in the area of the conference ask colleagues from your own institution post on IRRT website send call for volunteers to listservs: IRRT listservs: 1) -World listserv  HYPERLINK "mailto:alaworld@ala.org" alaworld@ala.org (sponsored by IRRT, membership voluntary, anyone can subscribe -- info on IRRT website re. how to subscribe); 2) IRRT Committee listserve  HYPERLINK "mailto:IRRTCOM@ala.org" IRRTCOM@ala.org (all committee chairs, exec committee, IRO staff, IL editor, and IRRT Web editor are on this); 3) IRRT members announcement only list, only IRRT members are on it and only Delin (IRO staff) can send a message/announcement to this list ACRL section listservs (contact the Chairs of these sections and ask them to forward a message to their members): Anthropology and Sociology Section (ANSS)  HYPERLINK "http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/aboutacrl/acrlsections/aames/aameshomepage.htm" Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Section (AAMES)  HYPERLINK "http://www.gwu.edu/~sees/" \t "_blank" Slavic and East European Section(SEES)  HYPERLINK "http://www.lib.virginia.edu/wess/" \t "_blank" Western European Studies Section (WESS) Other related listervs, if you are not a member, contact a member and ask them to forward your message to these lists: MELAnet, Middle East Librarians listserv ( HYPERLINK "mailto:MELANET-L@cornell.edu" MELANET-L@cornell.edu) L-L (Latin Americanist Librarians Listserv) /or contact SLM ( HYPERLINK "http://www.salalm.org" www.salalm.org) LITA Public Libraries All Division International Relations Committee liaisons and other liaisons April/May As volunteers names come in, keep a list of names and email addresses. If needed, resend announcement call for volunteers to various listservs. Prepare a flyer advertising the IVC and its services that will be inserted into the packets all international visitors receive as part of their orientation. IRO staff prepar the packets and the flyer should be sent to them. Make sure any surveys sent to international librarians (before or after conference) include questions about the IVC. May/June (before Annual Meeting) Send out an email asking volunteers to send the dates/hours they can work. Set the volunteer schedule and contact volunteers with their hours. Email volunteers the Volunteer Manual. Finish preparing informational notebook for IVC. Annual Meeting Bring: City street map office supplies: helpful to have paper, post-its, tape, markers, etc. a guidebook to the Annual Conference city is also useful Set up the IVC for business First, find it (sign may still say International Lounge) Documents/forms to have on hand: IVC Info Notebook IVC Volunteer Manual sheet to keep an hourly tally of visitors and types of questions/contact volunteer sign-in sheet flyers, READ bookmarks, etc. copy of the Conference Program and also some shuttle bus schedules IRRT information forms for internationals who arent on our list I speak language ribbons IRRT membership forms Volunteer sign-in sheet New volunteer guidelines Know location of nearest rest rooms/telephones/message center PC/Internet set up ** Important This can be tricky because Internet connections are tightly controlled in most convention centers and it might not be "turned on" until the actual opening of the IVC.It just depends. At worst, go to the office and get someone to call. But try Delin or Michael at the international registration first. May need to draw up a general PC troubleshooting guide Post informal Internet sign-up sheet Bookmark any good sites Close IVC booth at end of conference (usually Monday at 5:00) Relation to the IRO Office The IRO office finds out where the IVC will be located and sends this information to the Chair. The IRO organizes the setup of furniture and the Internet/PC at the IVC including emergency person to call if the computers do not work. The IRO prepares packets for all international librarians in cooperation with the IRRT Orientation Committee and the International Visitors Committee Flyers brochures from the IVC that are distributed to international librarians go out through the IRO. The Committee works with the IRO staff to publicize the IVC including messages on the IRRT listserv and World. The IRO distributes any questionnaires/surveys the IVC needs to international librarians. Forms used None so far (but will have a form for the schedule as well as a statistics gathering form) NEED FORM!  >?HIJ{3 4 U V [ \ O ^ f ùti\LhN6hN656CJOJQJhN656CJOJQJhN65CJOJQJhN6hN65CJOJQJ hN656hN6hN656hN6hN65>* hN65h ^CJOJQJhN6hN6CJOJQJh}3CJOJQJhN6hN65h}3hN65>*CJaJh}3hLR5>*h}3h8F45>*hd5CJaJh}35CJaJ IJ3 4 U V \  Q 6   & Fgd8F4 & FgdN6^gd}3^gdN6^gdN6 & FgdN6 & FgdN6X+f g l m   789Ad/0pcVcQ hN65h4hLRCJOJQJh4hN6CJOJQJhN6hN656CJOJQJh8F4CJOJQJaJhLRCJOJQJaJh8F4h8F46CJOJQJaJh8F4h8F4CJOJQJaJh}3CJOJQJh8F4CJOJQJh Y^CJOJQJhN6CJOJQJhLRCJOJQJhN6hN6CJOJQJh ^CJOJQJ 89A/0IJKc(=v12 & F gdV & F gd ^^gdN6^gdN6 & FgdN6p^pgd8F4 & Fgd8F40GHIJKcy013OPQbz#%/A\]`sxȽȹȵ̫ۙ~hLR h+ h+ hAAhjhl!h+ h8F4h+ 56hN6h+ >*hN6hN65>*h\hU" hhhVh h5>*hN6hN65 hN65 h ^h ^hN6h ^ h8F456hN6hN656123PQb$%/]56W & FgdLR & Fgdgd8F4 & Fgdxgd+  & Fgd+  & FgdAA & Fgd+  & Fgd+  346=VWZetUWdghiyzмми̸ЮhE}hE}6hE}h8F4hE}56h8F4hN656hLRh+Fhjhxhz!hhk]jh=Oh8F4h8F4h56h8F4h=O56hhAAh+ h ^<ghiz~$9ao  & Fgdk]j & Fgdk]j & Fgd)` & Fgd)` & Fgdk]j & Fgdk]jgd+  & FgdgdE}gdk]j^gdk]j & Fgd8F4 & Fgd+F9Ob}~$)9]`anrz~03LMqrsʿjhBUh hB0JjhBUjhBUhBh)`h~1HhD@hk]j hIthIth'#h+ hh8F4h+ 56h=OhhN6hN66hN6h ^hqQMhE}hLR4o  de34TU\]')*+@ABCDsָȱָȱָȪ쐢h90hk]j0Jjhk]jU hIthk]jjhk]jU hSxhk]j ha15hk]jhk]j0JCJOJQJ^JaJhk]jCJOJQJ^JaJ#jhk]jCJOJQJU^JaJh4hk]jhhD@h)`hB5]D , t !"""6"""" & Fgd=Oh^hgdD@ & FgdD@ & Fgd=Ogd=O^gd8F4 & Fgd8F4 & Fgd & Fgdk]j & Fgdk]j , 9 : [!e!{!!"""""&"4"5"6""" #"#0#1##$$ $)$/$S$h$$$$ƾƎƊ~z~~hxhJhW00h"h+Fh=Oh8F4hJ56h8F4ha1556h8F4h=O56h8F4h'#56h ^hkvhjh'#h8F4hkv56hhYh8F40Jjeh8F4Uh8F4jh8F4Uhk]jhD@0"!#"#1#8#H#### $A$S$h$$$$.%o%%%%% & Fgd+F & Fgd" & Fgd=O & Fgd ^ & Fgd ^gd=Oh^hgd+F & Fgd+F$%-%.%%%%%%%&&"&/&0&'''''(((0(()R))********I+J+U+V+W+X+¾º¾¶СhVhV6hk]jhVhhj5>* h5>*hh8F4h Y^hjhjhj5>*ha15hD@hKh|!h=Oh"h_h|hxhtGhJh+F)%&0&b''''((0(()*****J+U+V+W+X+gdk]j & Fgd Y^ & Fgdjgda15 & FgdK & FgdK & Fgd+F & Fgd+F & FgdtG,1h/ =!"#$% DyK alaworld@ala.orgyK 0mailto:alaworld@ala.orgDyK IRRTCOM@ala.orgyK .mailto:IRRTCOM@ala.orgDyK MELANET-L@cornell.eduyK :mailto:MELANET-L@cornell.eduDyK www.salalm.orgyK .http://www.salalm.org/@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List6U@6 It Hyperlink >*B*phe )`HTML Preformatted7 2( Px 4 #\'*.25@9CJOJQJ^JaJ@Z@@ N6 Plain TextCJOJQJaJH"H 8F4 Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJX#L IJ34UV\Q689A/0IJKc( = v 1 2 3 P Q b $ % / ] 5 6 W ghiz~$9ao ]D ,t6!"18H ASh.o0b  0 !"""""J#U#V#W#Z#0000 0000 00000 0V 0V 0V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0000 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 0 0 000 0 0 0]  000 00 0W  0W  0 0 0W 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 09 09 0o 0o 0o 0o 09 0] 0] 0] 0] 0900 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 000 0 01 01 01 0  0 0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 0 0 0 0z 0300 0 0 0 0 00000000 IJ34UV\Q689A/0IJKc( = v 1 2 3 P Q b $ % / ] 5 6 W ghiz~$9ao ]D ,t6!"18H ASh.o0b  0 !"""""J#U#V#W#Z#000 0000 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0000 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 0 0 000 0 0 0\  000 00 0  0  0 0 0 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0b 0b 0 0 0 0 0b 0 0 0b00 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 000 0  0D 0D 0D 0  0 0 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 0 3 0 3 0 0 0# 0# 0# 0# 000 0 0 0 0 00000000f 0$X+ "$ 2"%X+!#%X+Lr d3T*@X#XXXXXXX8@0(  B S  ?mmmmpm<mDm%mmd˲mtTm$mm4]!m<OO]f { {  Z#     \ell' ~ ~  Z# = *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType= *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagstime9 *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsState |#0179HourMinute    U^foBK|ksR]ekZ#fp:G  Z#333333 >?HHIIJ{lm78GG G L L   6 6 W Z e t  Lrr kk  !R!!!!""I#T#W#W#Z#Z#Kh ȏؽvAbT&b>*D%Hg+%(dgV1 RHd&3X(3E"&]j8OvHOOK&&X.b:F4h(>tЁ808^8`0o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. 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