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McKinney Office for Accreditation$<+ $Would You Be an Effective ERP Chair?Experienced facilitator of peer teams Knowledgeable about LIS education generally Knowledgeable about accreditation Truthful but diplomatic Deadline-oriented Accessible to the panel, the program & the Office  x ]#Calendar of Duties of the ERP Chair12 months before the site visit Review the program s plan for the Program Presentation Conference call on the Plan with the OA Director and the Program 6 months before the site visit Contact the panelists and begin planning logistics and writing/editing assignments and deadlines Contact the program and begin planning logisticsT ZxZZZ x#Calendar of Duties of the ERP Chair4 months before the site visit Review the draft Program Presentation Conference call on the draft with the OA Director and the Program Site Visit Point person for the panelists and the program during the visit Maintain contact with offsite panelistsLh hh h#Calendar of Duties of the ERP Chair3Immediately after the site visit Collect and edit sections of the draft ERP Report from panelists 3 weeks after the site visit Submit draft ERP Report to the Program and the OA Director 5 weeks after the site visit Submit final ERP Report to the Program and the OA Director after making factual corrections !ZAZZ;ZZ]Z!A;] #Calendar of Duties of the ERP ChairAfter the ERP Report is Final Send evaluations of all panelists to OA At the next COA Meeting Appear before COA with the Program s leadership Following 1 Week Appeal Period Receive a copy of COA s decision letter The EndZ(ZZ0ZZ)Z Z(0)   v  ` 3ffffƍ` 3f3fff̙3ff̙` ______` 3f33>?" dZ@$?lKd@   l@  P`lA n?" dd@   @@``PT   @ ` `p>>    ((  (<T  ( "h ( s *"h ( s *"" ( <!G0*"p` <  ( 6 "@  T Click to edit Master title style! !$ ( 0P6 "@  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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McKinney Office for Accreditation$<+ $Would You Be an Effective ERP Chair?Experienced facilitator of peer teams Knowledgeable about LIS education generally Knowledgeable about accreditation Truthful but diplomatic Deadline-oriented Strong analytical writer and editor Accessible to the panel, the program & the Office "x #Calendar of Duties of the ERP Chair12 months before the site visit Review the program s plan for the Program Presentation Conference call on the Plan with the OA Director and the Program 6 months before the site visit Contact the panelists and begin planning logistics and writing/editing assignments and deadlines Contact the program and begin planning logisticsT ZxZZZ x#Calendar of Duties of the ERP Chair4 months before the site visit Review the draft Program Presentation Conference call on the draft with the OA Director and the Program Site Visit Point person for the panelists and the program during the visit Maintain contact with offsite panelistsLh hh h#Calendar of Duties of the ERP Chair3Immediately after the site visit Collect and edit sections of the draft ERP Report from panelists 3 weeks after the site visit Submit draft ERP Report to the Program and the OA Director 5 weeks after the site visit Submit final ERP Report to the Program and the OA Director after making factual corrections !ZAZZ;ZZ]Z!A;] #Calendar of Duties of the ERP ChairAfter the ERP Report is Final Send evaluations of all panelists to OA Submit site visit expenses to OA At the next COA Meeting Appear before COA with the Program s leadership Following 1 Week Appeal Period Receive a copy of COA s decision letter **The End**J0)  J0)      08(  0 0 0(E P    >*  0 0     @*  0 6 `P   >*  0 6ǡ `   @* H 0 0޽h ? ̙33  @*(  x  c $ (@   r  S (   H  0޽h ? ̙33rSk hSm X( / 0DTimes New Romanԫ|d0|Wo 0DArialNew Romanԫ|d0|Wo 0" DWingdingsRomanԫ|d0|Wo 0 ` .  @n?" dd@  @@`` x8=      0e0e A@A5%8c8c     ?1d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p@A)BCD|E?@8  7uʚ;2Nʚ;g4CdCd0pvppp@ <4!d!d 0,<4dddd 0, ?l% X2007 ERP Chair Training--Seattle, WashingtonO = Being an Effective ERP Chair;Presented by Rene D. McKinney Office for Accreditation$<+ $Would You Be an Effective ERP Chair?Experienced facilitator of peer teams Knowledgeable about LIS education generally Knowledgeable about accreditation Truthful but diplomatic Deadline-oriented Strong analytical writer and editor Accessible to the panel, the program & the Office "x #Calendar of Duties of the ERP Chair12 months before the site visit Review the program s plan for the Program Presentation Conference call on the Plan with the OA Director and the Program 6 months before the site visit Contact the panelists and begin planning logistics and writing/editing assignments and deadlines Contact the program and begin planning logisticsT ZxZZZ x#Calendar of Duties of the ERP Chair4 months before the site visit Review the draft Program Presentation Conference call on the draft with the OA Director and the Program Site Visit Point person for the panelists and the program during the visit Maintain contact with offsite panelistsLh hh h#Calendar of Duties of the ERP Chair3Immediately after the site visit Collect and edit sections of the draft ERP Report from panelists 3 weeks after the site visit Submit draft ERP Report to the Program and the OA Director 5 weeks after the site visit Submit final ERP Report to the Program and the OA Director after making factual corrections !ZAZZ;ZZ]Z!A;] #Calendar of Duties of the ERP ChairAfter the ERP Report is Final Send eva 9!"#$%&'()*+,-./012345L8:;<=>?@ABCD GHIJKMNRoot EntrydO)C4*FCurrent User9;SummaryInformation($ PowerPoint Document(DocumentSummaryInformation8-DArialNew RomanD|d0|Wo 0" DWingdingsRomanD|d0|Wo 0 ` .  @n?" dd@  @@`` h , 1     0e0e A@A5%8c8c     ?1d0u0@Ty2 NP'p<'p@A)BCD|E?@8  7uʚ;2Nʚ;g4CdCd0pvppp@ <4!d!d 0,0<4dddd 0,0 ?l% X2007 ERP Chair Training--Seattle, WashingtonO = Being an Effective ERP Chair;Presented by Rene D. McKinney Office for Accreditation$<+ $Would You Be an Effective ERP Chair?Experienced facilitator of peer teams Knowledgeable about LIS education generally Knowledgeable about accreditation Truthful but diplomatic Deadline-oriented Accessible to the panel, the program & the Office  x ]#Calendar of Duties of the ERP Chair12 months before the site visit Review the program s plan for the Program Presentation Conference call on the Plan with the OA Director and the Program 6 months before the site visit Contact the panelists and begin planning logistics and writing/editing assignments and deadlines Contact the program and begin planning logisticsT ZxZZZ x#Calendar of Duties of the ERP Chair4 months before the site visit Review the draft Program Presentation Conference call on the draft with the OA Director and the Program Site Visit Point person for the panelists and the program during the visit Maintain contact with offsite panelistsLh hh h#Calendar of Duties of the ERP Chair3Immediately after the site visit Collect and edit sections of the draft ERP Report from panelists 3 weeks after the site visit Submit draft ERP Report to the Program and the OA Director 5 weeks after the site visit Submit final ERP Report to the Program and the OA Director after making factual corrections !ZAZZ;ZZ]Z!A;] #Calendar of Duties of the ERP ChairAfter the ERP Report is Final Send evaluations of all panelists to OA Submit site visit expenses to OA At the next COA Meeting Appear before COA with the Program s leadership Following 1 Week Appeal Period Receive a copy of COA s decision letter **The End**J0)  J0)       @*(  x  c $ (@   r  S (   H  0޽h ? ̙33   <(   ~  s *P(@  P ~  s *iP(@ P H  0޽h ? ̙33rU;OqQ1;uS P( /   !"#$%&'()*+,./012345678Oh+'0 hp $ D P \hpBeing an Effective ERP Chairt rmckinneyffNC:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\Presentation Designs\Capsules.pot\ rmckinney F5ckMicrosoft PowerPointoso@`c@0?K+)@1*G| g  X& &&#TNPPT2OMi & TNPP &&TNPP    --- !---̙--- !---w@C ww 0wf- &Hhj2--X$*hijptyeYPJIHIJPYet(.0000.+(<KW`fhhhf`WK<y+pjih--& &}}#&}e%-3f-$ccc#c#}#}#}}--&&b%-3f-$ puy| }|yu"p#b#b--&&--b-- @"ArialB iww 0wf- 3f.12 Being an Effective ERP Chair#     # # .--l3-- 3f@"ArialC ww 0wf- ff.2 L Presented by   . ff. 2 Reni. ff. 2 8. ff.2 M e D. 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