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Additionally, the Executive Directors of the Divisions and the liaisons for the Round Tables are authorized to include in the preparation of their annual budgets a) interest and dividend income generated annually or b) up to but not to exceed 50% of the five year moving average of the appreciation realized in their respective unrestricted funds. The 50% five-year moving average shall be calculated by averaging the interest, dividends and market gains (realized/unrealized) less bank fees, other investment related expenses and any interest and dividends that have been transferred to the operating budget during the prior five years. This calculation excludes any contributions or withdrawals made over the trailing five-year period. Withdrawals using the net 50% five-year moving average do not require repayment. Use of Fund Listed below are the primary instances whereby withdrawals from the Long-Term Investment Fund can be made. A. Program Support The General Fund, Divisions and Round Tables can request funds from their respective Long- Term Investment funds to support one-time programs. Emergencies Emergencies will include financial disaster due to a major revenue shortfall, act of God, building catastrophe, major lawsuit, etc. New Initiatives New Initiatives will include projects or programs that are multi-year in nature and deemed important to the future of the Association, Divisions, Round Tables or units. Withdrawal of the investment funds for uses stated above may be supported by interest and dividends or the 50% moving average. Amounts requested to be withdrawn in excess of the greater of interest and dividends or the 50% moving average will require repayment with interest. Scholarships & Awards Allowable withdrawals from temporarily restricted and unrestricted Long-Term Investment funds designated for named scholarships and awards will be made to the extent necessary to support the award or scholarship according to its stipulations and requirements. If the interest and dividends of a scholarship or award is not adequate, the amount in the temporary restricted and unrestricted investments designated for named scholarships may be used up to the limits of any permanent or donor restrictions. Life Membership Funds Allowable withdrawals from temporarily restricted and unrestricted Long-Term Investment funds designated for Life Membership, will be made from the Life Membership Fund to the extent necessary to support the annual membership fee for the participants. Transfer of Existing Funds It is allowable to make a transfer from an existing unrestricted funds for the establishment of a new and or in support of an existing scholarship fund, program or initiative fund within the Long-Term Investment Fund. Withdrawal/Transfer/Repayment Each withdrawal for any of the purposes referenced in A, B, C and the 50% five year moving average must be approved by the Executive Board. Withdrawals from the Long-Term Investment Fund for any of the following events: Program Support Emergencies New Initiatives will require repayment at the prevailing borrowing rate with the term to be recommended by management and approved by the Executive Board. The annual withdrawal of interest and or dividends from the Long-Term Investment Fund will not require repayment. FINANCIAL TERMS GLOSSARY SECTION I – ORGANIZATIONAL TERMS Not-For-Profit (Tax Exempt) Organization (501 C (3)) – An entity that possesses the following characteristics that distinguish it from a business enterprise: (A) contributions of significant amounts of resources from resource providers who do not expect commensurate of proportionate pecuniary return (B) operating purposes other than to provide goods or services at a profit, and (C) absence of ownership interests like those of business enterprises. Not-for-profit organizations have those characteristics in varying degrees. Endowment Fund – An established fund of cash, securities, or other assets to provide income for the maintenance of a not-for-profit organization. The use of the assets of the fund may be permanently restricted, temporarily restricted, or unrestricted. Endowment funds generally are established to provide a permanent endowment, which is to provide a permanent source of income. The principal of a permanent endowment must be maintained permanently i.e., not used up, expended, or otherwise exhausted – and is classified as permanently restricted net assets. An endowment may also be in the form of a term endowment, which is to provide income for a specified period. The principal of a term endowment must be maintained for a specified term and is classified as temporarily restricted net assets. An organization’s governing board may earmark a portion of its unrestricted net assets as a board-designated endowment (sometimes called funds functioning as endowment or quasi-endowment funds) to be invested to provide income for a long but unspecified period. The principal of a board-designated endowment, which results from an internal designation, is not donor restricted and is classified as unrestricted net assets. Long Term Investments – Assets (investments) held for an extended period of time – usually 5 years and longer – in order to meet the needs of an established or anticipated long developing goal. SECTION II – FINANCIAL MEASURES Total Return – Refers to the combination of all interest, dividends, capital gains and losses of a fund over the fund’s beginning price or value. Yield – Refers to the interest generated for a given period of time of a fund over the current price or value of a fund. Capital Gain - Refers to any profit realized upon the sale of an asset such as a security, mutual fund, portfolio, etc. Realized Gain/Loss – Refers to the gain/loss in the value of a security, fund portfolio, etc., after the sale/liquidation of all or a portion of the same. Unrealized Gain/Loss – Refers to the gain/loss in the value of a security, fund, portfolio, etc., prior to the sale/liquidation of all or a portion of the same. Principal – A base amount of funds used to invest for the purpose of generating income in the form of interest, dividends, value, etc. Spending/Operating Account – An account set up to capture and settle the operating expenses generated by individual Scholarships, Awards and Divisions within the Endowment Fund. SECTION III – ACCOUNTING TERMINOLOGY Contribution – An unconditional transfer of cash or other assets to an entity or a settlement or cancellation of its liabilities in a voluntary nonreciprocal transfer by another entity acting other than as an owner. Promise to Give – A written or oral agreement to contribute cash or other assets to another entity. A promise to give may be either conditional or unconditional. Permanent Restriction – A donor-imposed restriction that stipulates that resources be maintained permanently but permits the organization to use up or expend part or all of the income (or other economic benefits) derived from the donated assets. Permanently Restricted Net Assets – The part of the net assets of a not-for profit organization resulting (A) from contributions and other inflows of assets whose use by the organization is limited by donor-imposed stipulations that neither expire by passage of time nor can be fulfilled or otherwise removed by actions of the organization, (B) from other asset enhancements and diminishments subject to the same kinds of stipulations, and (C) from reclassifications from (or to) other classes of net assets as a consequence of donor-imposed stipulations. Restricted Support – Donor-restricted revenues or gains from contributions that increase either temporarily restricted net assets or permanently restricted net assets. Temporarily Restricted Net Assets – The part of the net assets of a not-for-profit organization resulting (A) from contributions and other inflows of assets whose use by the organization is limited by donor-imposed stipulations that either expire by passage of time or can be fulfilled and removed by actions of the organization pursuant to those stipulations, (B) from other asset enhancements and diminishments subject to the same kinds of stipulations, and (C) from reclassifications to (or from) other classes of net assets as a consequence of donor-imposed stipulations, their expiration by passage of time, or their fulfillment and removal by actions of the organization pursuant to those stipulations. Temporarily Restricted – A donor-imposed restriction that permits the donee organization to use up or expend the donated assets as specified and is satisfied either by the passage of time or by actions of the organization. Unrestricted Net Assets – The part of net assets of a not-for-profit organization that is neither permanently restricted nor temporarily restricted by donor-imposed stipulations. Unrestricted Support – Revenues or gains from contributions that are not restricted by donors. Also refer to Restricted Support. 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