SRRT Resolutions 1999: Resolution on Membership Meeting Quorum

Text of 1999 SRRT resolution, adopted at Annual Conference, urging changes to bylaws on quorum.


Resolution on Membership Meeting Quorum

Adopted at 1999 Annual Conference

WHEREAS is a membership organization; and

WHEREAS the quorum for convening membership meetings has been set so high that no membership meeting has been able to convene since the upward change in attendees needed for a quorum was instituted; and

WHEREAS a membership organization should have membership meetings at annual conferences, which can consider proposals etc. and refer items to be voted on by an elected council; therefore be it

RESOLVED that the Social Responsibilities Round Table urges to modify the quorum requirements by setting it at 100; and be it further

RESOLVED that the Social Responsibilities Round Table urges to schedule membership meetings at a time and place which facilitates the convening of such a meeting; and be it further

RESOLVED that the Social Responsibilities Round Table urges to affirm the importance of membership meetings at Annual conferences by recognizing that quorum rules are meant to facilitate rather than render impossible the convening of such meetings; and finally be it

RESOLVED that the Social Responsibilities Round Table urges that the by-laws change on the quorum be resubmitted for a membership vote at the earliest opportunity with a recommendation from Council to adjust the quorum for the purpose of facilitating the holding, once again, of membership meetings.