Integrating Technology Into Instructional Activities

Describes 3 webinars hosted by the LIRT Teaching, Learning, and Technology Committee on Integrating Technology into Instructional Activities.


The recordings for these sessions can be found on the .
  • Session 1: Introduction to Digital Pedagogy -- February 17, 2017 (11:00 - 12:30 CST)


    “Keeping Students Engaged Beyond the Page”. [Slides] Kristen Mastel, Outreach and Instruction Librarian, University of Minnesota

    How do we ensure our learners are engaged with our content? Using adult learning theory, we will review how the student moves between attention, interest, motivation, engagement and achievement. The presenter will walk participants through hacking Qualtrics and Google Forms to move beyond a simple survey to encourage action items in the achievement stage of learning. The presenter has used this with her own teaching and learning community of practice, along with her liaison areas. This system is easy, inexpensive, and a systematic way to gather post-instruction actions using the customer service 2-2-2 model.

    “Meeting them where they are: Digital Information Literacy Resources”. [Slides] Sara Lowe, Educational Development Librarian; Bronwen K. Maxson, Humanities Librarian, Indiana University-Purdue University

    IUPUI University Library has recently expanded our online Information Literacy (IL) presence to create a more robust, uniform suite of resources. The tools are intended to meet students at their point of need, both in and outside of class. There are: self-guided tutorials which include Canvas quizzes; YouTube videos; Library DIY (providing just-in-time succinct help); pedagogical-style course guides; and subject-specific library guides embedded in Canvas. This presentation will cover the robust suite of online resources University Library has developed and adapted, noting how other campuses can utilize them, highlighting lessons we’ve learned as well as our process for assessing effectiveness.

  • Session 2: Best Practices in Instructional Design -- February 24, 2017 (11:00 - 12:30 CST)


    “#Library TV: Flipping the Classroom for the YouTube Generation with Engaging Digital Content”. [Slides] Joscelyn Leventhal, Online Education and Off-Campus Services Librarian; Shira Loev Eller, Art and Design Librarian; Tina Plottel, Government Documents and the First-Year Experience Librarian, George Washington University

    With so many technology options when it comes to teaching, the question becomes not which technology to use, but how to thoughtfully employ digital content to improve learning. Short videos explaining discrete information literacy concepts present an opportunity to flip the classroom so that library sessions can focus on more in-depth skills. Our team will share practical insights on how to formulate videos, and use them to reinforce learning outcomes and collaborate more deeply with faculty. We will also share best practices for creating engaging video content and real world examples of how we use these modules in the classroom.

    “Participation Points Don’t Count: Active Learning Strategies and Digital Tools for Every Day Use”. Rhonda Huisman, Library Director, Marian University

    This session will utilize a variety of free, easy, and accessible tools that can be used for discussions, reflection, concept mapping, and other valuable and engaging instructional and assessment methods. These tools can be adapted to fit a credit course, or as a compliment to an instructional session or blended learning model. The participants will view a short vignette of a classroom setting, and answer a series of questions about what the librarian could use as assessment methods (e.g. one-minute paper, etc.) and the presenter will show examples of programs and tools in real-time during the session.

  • Session 3: Best Practices in Assessment -- March 3, 2017 (11:00 - 12:30 CST)


    “Assessing the First Year Experience: Using PhotoVoice in Google Slides as a Digital Learning Tool”. [Slides] Raymond Pun, First Year Student Success Librarian, California State University, Fresno

    This presentation covers the assessment of the first year experience through photovoice technique, a qualitative method. At Fresno State, the first year student group provides feedback and thoughts in using the library. The presenter will share the use of photovoice to document and assess the first year experience in the library through Google Slides. Students share their experiences through images all remotely and discuss their challenges in library services. This presentation explores the effectiveness of the photovoice technique in presenting library user experiences visually and discusses ways to integrate it into instructional practices to engage with distance-learning and commuting students.

    “Measuring the effectiveness of LibGuides with User Experience”. [Slides] Kaitlin Springmier, Resident Librarian for Online Learning, University of Chicago

    Many librarians create LibGuides for library instruction or teach from subject guides. LibGuides are easy to create, allow incorporation online teaching tools, and serve as a reference long after the librarian has left the classroom. However, LibGuides are only useful to a student if they are useable. User Experience testing can provides insight on the effectiveness of LibGuides from the perspective as student. The webinar will present basics of user experience research, as well as applicability to LibGuides. After attending the webinar, participants will be able to perform basic tests to measure the effectiveness of instructional guides.