LIRT Previous Midwinter Discussion Forums

A list of LIRT Midwinter Discussion forums from 1996 - date.


The LIRT Midwinter Discussion Forum is an informal environment for sharing ideas about library instruction. Meet with other library instructors to share experiences, seek advice, and discuss new ideas. Below is a list of the Forums from 1996 to date.

1996 Have some new perspectives on presenting instruction? Tips for teaching Internet skills? Lesson plans? Share them with the group.
1997 Are you using the Internet in your instruction? Or have ideas on how to develop Web pages for course-related instruction? Tips for teaching Internet skills? Big plans for Web pages? Share them with the group!
1998 NILI (National Information Literacy Institute).
1999 Are you interested in using the Internet in your instruction? Or have ideas on how to develop Wewb pages for course-related instruction? Tips for teaching Internet skills? Big plans for Web pages? Share them with the group!
2000 No topic
2001 No topic
2002 No topic
2003 Teaching, Learning, & Technology Committee

Many technologies have helped librarians enhance teaching and have played a key role in instruction. Examples include digital cameras, courseware, chat, webcasting, and video conferencing. While some technologies have helped facilitate learning, others have created new barriers.
2003 Transitions to College Discussion Committee

Students transitioning from high school or community college to four-year institutions are especially vulnerable to academic frustration as they are often overwhelmed by larger campuses and larger libraries. Distance learning programs and service hour reductions due to financial constraints are just a couple of the reasons public, school, and academic librarians are sharing the same clientele now more than ever before.
2004 Teaching, Learning, & Technology Committee

Interactivity and Communication in Web Based Learning (Pre-K through Life-Long Learning)
2005 Adult Learner Committee

Instruction for the Adult Learner
2006 Co-sponsored with IS Teaching Methods and Education Committees

How librarians are maintaining a balance with increasing instructional duties without losing track of other responsibilities.
2007 Smells like Teen Spirit: Teaching Information Literacy to Our "Millennials"
2008 Teaching, Learning, & Technology Committee

Rules of Engagement: What You Can't See Could Hurt You
2009 Adult Learners Committee

Can Wikipedia Be Used as an Instructional Tool?
2010 Seeking Clarification in a Shifting Landscape: Conducting Research in Library Instruction
2011 Web Advisory Committee

Share, Talk, and Write with Free Online Collaboration Tools!!
2012 Transitions to College Committee

Start Where they Are: Google and Google Scholar, a Gateway to Database Resarch?
2013 Technology, Learning, & Teaching Committee

Technology Woes and Wows
2014 Transitions to College Committee

Bridging the Terminology: A Collaborative Effort to Help High School Students Transition to College
2015 Teaching, Learning, and Technology Committee

Keeping It Real: Tech Tools for Information Literacy Instruction
2016 Web Advisory Committee

Configure, Create, Conquer: Strategies for Using Learning Management Systems to Engage Staff and Users Across Libraries
2017 Transitions to College Committee

Bridging Expectations
2018 Teaching, Learning, and Technology Committee

App-etizing Instruction: Practical Tips For Teaching Emerging Technologies
2019 Transitions to College Committee

In Transition: A Discussion on Aligning Expectations of Students for School and Academic Librarians