LIRT Previous Conference Programs

List of LIRT Previous Conference Programs


1977 Organizational Meeting
1978 No Program This Year
1979 The Role of Libraries in Lifelong Learning
1980 Who Didn't You Reach Today?: Marketing Strategies for Educating Library Non-Users
1981 The Missing Link: In Search of Library Literacy
1982 Computers! Libraries! Learning!
1983 Getting It Together: Librarians and the Curricular Reform
1984 Getting the Most from the Least: Producing Professional Looking Audiovisuals for Library Instruction
1985 Giving Them What They Need: Assessment Techniques for Library Instruction
1986 You Can Do It: Creating an Action Plan for Library Instruction
1987 Hit Them Where They Are: Library Instruction on the Spot
1988 A-LIRT! Teaching Exceptional Library Patrons
1989 Think about it! Critical Thinking and Library Instruction
1990 Beyond the Drawing Board: Using Hypermedia in Libraries
1991 Cultural Diversity: Strategies for Promoting Information Literacy in a Changing World
1992 Brief Encounters: Using Techniques from Psychology and Education to Improve the Effectiveness of Reference Service
1993 Unmasking Technology: A Prelude to Teaching
1994 Going the Distance: Reaching and Teaching Remote Learners
1995 Class Act: Producing and Presenting Library Instruction
1996 Collaborative Solutions to Techno-Stress: Librarians Lead the Way

(Jointly sponsored with IS and NMRT)
1997 Focus on Students: Emphasizing Learning Styles
1998 Teaching the Teaching Librarian
1999 Technology in Action: Getting the Most from Your Electronic Classroom
2000 Teaching as Performance
2001 Partnerships for Instruction
2002 Emerging Visions: Libraries and Education in the 21st Century
2003 Critical Thinking: Teaching Thought and Process
2004 Angst to Zest: Empowering the Non-Traditional Student
2005 Seamless Transitions to College: Creating Successful Collaboration Programs
2006 Jazz Up Your Teaching with Technology: A Technology Fair
2007 It’s Showtime for Instruction Librarians! The Making of Short Films for Marketing & Instruction
2008 Energize Your Instruction: Keep the Magic Alive for You and your Audience
2009 Preparing Yourself to Teach: Touching all the Bases
2010 Capitalizing on Technology: A Teaching Technology Fair
2011 The Big (and Not so Easy): Missing Voices on the Student Transition to College
2012 Critical Thinking and Library Instruction: Fantasyland or Adventureland?
2013 Going Where the User Takes Us: Instruction Beyond the Library Classroom
2014 Going All In: Library Instruction for Students in Online Education Programs
2015 Help Yourself! Library Instruction that Supports Self-directed Learning
2016 The Wonderful World of Library Instruction: Pedagogy and Practices to Inspire Teaching
2017 From Kindergartners to Collegians Helping Students Make the Grade
2018 Moving Beyond the Threshold: Next Steps in Critical Information Literacy
2019 How Did I Get Here? Exploring Mindfulness in Library Instruction