Library History Round Table


Bibliography of Writings on the History of Libraries,
Librarianship, and Book Culture
Spring 2005

By Ed Goedeken

As always, the author is grateful if ommissions or errors are brought to his attention.

Table of Contents




Bates, Marcia J. "Information Science at the University of California at Berkeley in the 1960s: A Memoir of Student Days," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 683-701.

Battles, Matthew. "Librarians in Loco Parentis," Harvard Library Bulletin 14 (Fall 2003): 49-58.

Battles, Matthew. Widener: Biography of a Library (Cambridge: Harvard College Library, 2004) 201 pp. $50.00 ISBN 0-674-01668-8.

Beghtol, Clare. "Exploring New Approaches to the Organization of Knowledge: The Subject Classification of James Duff Brown," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 702-18.

Berlin, Charles. Harvard Judaica: A History and Description of the Judaica Collection in the Harvard College Library (Cambridge: Harvard College Library, 2004) 130 pp. $30.00 ISBN 0-674-01782-X.

Bernal, Peggy Park. Huntington: Library, Art Collections, Botanical Gardens (San Marion, CA: Huntington Library Press, 2004) 77 pp. $25.00 ISBN 0-8732814-38.

Brinkman, Carol S. "Spotlight: The Library Administration & Management Round Table of the Kentucky Library Association: A Fifteen Year History," Kentucky Libraries 68 (Fall 2004): 4-6.

Burke, Susan K. and Eva Martin. "Libraries in Communities: Expected and Unexpected Portrayals in State Case Law," Libraries & Culture 39 (Fall 2004): 405-28.

Cole, John Y. Encyclopedia of the Library of Congress: For Congress, the Nation & the World (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress; Lanham, MD: Bernan Press, 2004) 569 pp. $125.00 ISBN 0-8905-9971-8.

Cragin, Melissa H. "Foster Mohrhardt: Connecting the Traditional World of Libraries and the Emerging World of Information Science," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 833-52.

Dublin, David. "The Most Influential Paper Gerard Salton Never Wrote," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 748-64.

Furner, Jonathan. "A Brilliant Mind: Margaret Egan and Social Epistemology," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 792-809.

Gorman, Michael. "The Literature of the Book: Libraries and Librarianship," LOGOS v. 15, no. 3 (2004): 137-41.

Gregorian, Vartan. The Road to Home: My Life and Times (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003) 354 pp. $30.00 ISBN 0-684-80834-X.

Gunselman, Cheryl. "Cornelia Marvin and Mary Frances Isom: Leaders of Oregon's Library Movement," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 877-901.

Hansen, Debra Gold. "Professionalizing Library Education, the California Connection: James Gillis, Everett Perry, and Joseph Daniels," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 963-87.

The Huntington Library: Treasures from Ten Centuries, compiled by the Director and Curators (London: Scala, 2004) 160 pp. $35.00 ISBN 1-85759-334-0.

Jones, Plummer Alston, Jr. Still Struggling for Equality: American Public Library Services with Minorities (Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2004) 269 pp. $65.00 ISBN 1-59158-243-1.

Jumonville, Florence M. "The Role of the State in the Organization of Statewide Library Service: Essae M. Culver, Louisiana's First State Librarian," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 853-76.

Kester, Diane D. and Plummer Alston Jones, Jr. "Frances Henne and the Development of School Library Standards," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 952-62.

Kimball, Melanie A., Christine A. Jenkins, and Betsy Hearne. "Effie Louise Power: Librarian, Educator, Author," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 924-51.

La Barre, Kathryn. "The Art and Science of Classification: Phyllis Allen Richmond, 1921-1997," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 765-91.

Mitchell, Barbara A. "A Beginning is Made: The New Card Catalogue of the Harvard College Library and the Female Labor Force, 1856-1877," Harvard Library Bulletin 14 (Fall 2003): 11-32.

Philip, John. "An Overview of the History of Bookmobile Service in Ohio: A Mirror of the National Scene," Bookmobiles and Outreach Services v. 7, no. 1 (2004): 29-36.

Rayward, W. Boyd, ed. "Pioneers in Library and Information Science," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): entire issue.

Rayward, W. Boyd. "When and Why Is a Pioneer: History and Heritage in Library and Information Science," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 671-82.

Roscello, Francis. "Standards: Our Earliest History," Knowledge Quest 32 (March/April 2004): 6-8.

Seaver, Barry W. A True Politician: Rebecca Browning Rankin, Municipal Reference Librarian for the City of New York, 1920-1952 (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2004) 218 pp. $45.00 ISBN 0-7864-1634-3.

Skallerup, Harry R. "The Steamship Named ," Libraries & Culture 39 (Fall 2004): 446-51.

Tóth, Heléna. "Building Wisdom and Stability: Mary Lowell Putnam's Library and Women's Book Culture in the Nineteenth Century," Harvard Library Bulletin 14 (Fall 2003): 33-48.

Wertheimer, Andrew B. "Japanese American Community Libraries in America's Concentration Camps, 1942-1946," (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison), 2004, 264 pp. [Advisor: Wayne A. Wiegand]

Wilson, Leslie Perrin. "No Worthless Books: Elizabeth Peabody's Foreign Library, 1840-52," The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 99 (March 2005): 113-52.

Zandonade, Tarcisio. "Social Epistemology from Jesse Shera to Steve Fuller," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 810-32.


Boone, E. "The Toronto Mechanic's Institute: An Agent of Canadianization?" Feliciter v. 50, no. 1 (2004): 21-23.

Edwards, Brendan Frederick R. Paper Talk: A History of Libraries, Print Culture, and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada before 1960 (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2005) 220 pp. $50.00 ISBN 0-8108-5113-X.

Maloney, M.C. "Weaving the Golden String: Recalling a Joyful Ninety Years at the Toronto Public Library," Children & Libraries 1 (Spring 2003): 31-35.

Zimmermann, A. M. P. "Libraries in Argentina: An Overview," IFLA Journal v. 30, no. 2 (2004): 108-28.


Berkvens-Stevelinck, Chrstiane. Magna Commoditas: A History of Leiden University Library, 1575-2005 (Leiden: Primavera Pers, 2004) 92 pp. $20.00 ISBN 90-5997-005-5.

Black, Alistair. "Hidden Worlds of the Early Knowledge Economy: Libraries in British Companies before the Middle of the 20th Century," Journal of Information Science v. 30, no. 5 (2004): 418-35.

Black, Alistair. "National Planning for Public Library Service: The Work and Ideas of Lionel McColvin," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 902-23.

Glasgow, Eric. "Manchester and Liverpool: (1) The Manchester Free Library, and (2) George Chandler, Librarian," Library History 21 (March 2005): 57-63.

Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. "The Road to Minsk for Western Trophy Books: Twice Plundered but Not Yet Home from the War," Libraries & Culture 39 (Fall 2004): 351-404.

Grindlay, Douglas J.C. and Anne Morris. "The Decline in Adult Book Lending in UK Public Libraries and its Possible Causes: I. Literature Review," Journal of Documentation v. 60, no. 6 (2004): 609-31.

Grindlay, Douglas J.C. and Anne Morris. "The Decline in Adult Book Lending in UK Public Libraries and its Possible Causes: II. Statistical Analysis," Journal of Documentation v. 60, no. 6 (2004): 632-57

Fox, Rachel and John Feather. "The Development of Branch Libraries in Leicester," Library History 21 (March 2005): 47-56.

Kaltwasser, Franz Georg. "The Common Roots of Library and Museum in the Sixteenth Century: The Example of Munich," Library History 20 (November 2004): 163-81.

Krikorian, B. and J. Satre. "The Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs in Paris, 1864-1904-2004," Art Libraries Journal v. 29, no. 3 (2004): 10-14.

Maack, Mary Niles. "The Lady and the Antelope" Suzanne Briet's Contribution to the French Documentation Movement," Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 719-47.

Miehe, Dorothea. "The Paul Hirsch Music Library in the British Library", in Vodosek, Peter, Alistair Black and Peter Hoare, eds. Mäzenatentum für Bibliotheken / Philanthropy for Libraries, Wolfenbütteler Schriften zur Geschichte des Buchwesens no. 39 (Wiesbaden: Harrossowitz, 2004), pp. 37-48.

Nolan, Marie E. and Peter H. Ried. "Pride and Glory: Aberdeen Public Library during the Second World War," Library History 21 (March 2005): 9-27.

Peatling, G. K. and Chris Baggs. "Early British Public Library Annual Reports: Then and Now, Part 1" Library History 20 (November 2004): 223-38.

Peatling, G.K. and Chris Baggs. ""Early British Public Library Annual Reports: Then and Now, Part II" Library History 21 (March 2005): 29-45.

Rex, Joachim. Akademiebibliothek: Die Entwicklung der Bibliothek der Akeadmie der Wissenschaften in Drei Jahrhunderten, Anhand der Quellen Dargestellt (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2002) 295 pp. ISBN 3-447-04539-6.

Skelton-Foord, Christopher. "Ethics and Ideology: The Philanthropic Ethos in British Community Libraries, 1780-1840", in Vodosek, Peter, Alistair Black and Peter Hoare, eds. Mäzenatentum für Bibliotheken/Philanthropy for Libraries, Wolfenbütteler Schriften zur Geschichte des Buchwesens no. 39 (Wiesbaden: Harrossowitz, 2004), pp. 67-88.

Topper, Joby. "Saved from Oblivion: The Organization and Management of the Douce Collection at the Bodleian Library and the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, Oxford, 1834-1934," Library History 20 (November 2004): 183-206.


Calcuttawala, Zohra. "Knowledge Stores: The Spatial Dynamics of Public Library Accessibility and Consumption in Calcutta," (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cincinnati), 2004, 259 pp. [covers period from 1850-1991]

Coleman, Sterling J., Jr. Librarianship and Information Science in the Islamic World, 1966-1999 (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2005) 425 pp. $60.00 ISBN0-8108-5179-2.

Coulette, P. "Un Siècle de Bibliothèques Publiques en Chine," Bulletin de Bibliotheques de France v. 49, no. 5 (2004): 87-95.

Liu, Ziming. "Transborder Information Flow through Human Movement: Implications for Professional Interactions," International Information & Library Review 36 (March 2004): 39-45.

Spennenmann, Dirk H. R. "Books and Libraries in German Micronesia, 1885-1914," Library History 20 (November 2004): 207-222.

Standrod, Garland L. "The Cultural Frontiers of Librarianship: A Case Study of Nepal," (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Union Institute & University), 1976, 225 pp.


Blom, Philipp. Encyclopedie: The Triumph of Reason in an Unreasonable Age (London: Fourth Estate, 2004) 373 pp. $30.00 ISBN 0-00-714946-8.

Brokaw, Cynthia J., ed. Printing and Book Culture in Late Imperial China (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2005) 539 pp. $75.00 ISBN 0-520-2312-60.

Carley, James P. The Books of King Henry VIII and His Wives (London: British Library Marketing Pub., 2004) 161 pp. $35.00 ISBN 0-7123-4791-7.

Cirbee, Carol Ann. "Reading Between the Lines: What America Learned from its Basal Readers, 1850-2000," (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Capella University), 2004, 352 pp.

Holder, R. W. The Dictionary Men: Theirs Lives and Times (Bath: Bath University Press, 2004) 294 pp. $45.00 ISBN 0-86197-129-9.

Lindell, Lisa. "Bringing Books to a Book Hungry Land: Print Culture on the Dakota Prairie," Book History v. 7 (2004): 215-38.

Malek, G. and J. Heckel. "Aktion Patenschaften fur Verbrannte Bucher," BuB-Journal 56 (July/August 2004): 465.

Mayo, Hope. "The Bibliographical Society of America at 100: Past and Future," The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 98 (December 2004): 425-48.

Price, Leah. "Reading: The State of the Discipline," Book History v. 7 (2004): 303-20.

Woodward, Fred M. "Ad Astra per Aspera: University Press of Kansas, 1946-2005," Journal of Scholarly Publishing 36 (January 2005): 75-88.

Zboray, Ronald J. and Mary Saracino Zboray, Literary Dollars and Social Sense: A People's History of the Mass Market Book (New York: Routledge, 2005), 354 pp., cloth ISBN: 041594984-X, $65.00; paper ISBN 0415972485, $32.95.


Basden, A. and M.E. Burke. "Towards a Philosophical Understanding of Documentation: A Dooyeweerdian Framework," Journal of Documentation v. 60, no. 4 (2004): 352-70.

Berman, W. E. "Archival Literature: Analysis of the Evolution of American Archivist," (Master's Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), 2004, 50 pp.

Bensman, Stephen J. "Urquhart and Probability: The Transition from Librarianship to Library and information Science," Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 56 (January 15, 2005): 189-214.

Brown, Callum G. Postmodernism for Historians (London: Longman, 2005) 200 pp. $26.00 ISBN 0-5825-0604-2.

Budd, John M. "Phenomenology and Information Studies," Journal of Documentation v. 61, no. 1 (2005): 44-59.

Davis, Donald G., Jr. "Libraries," in William H. McNeill, ed. Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History (Great Barrington, MA.: Berkshire Pub. Group, 2005), pp. 1136-1145.

Figa, Elizabeth and Janet Macpherson. "Brown v. Board of Education and its Effect on Libraries and Library and Information Science Education: Mapping and Storytelling a Historical Journey Fifty Years in the Making," in Maurice B. Wheeler, ed., Unfinished Business: Race, Equity, and Diversity in Library and Information Science Education (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2005), pp. 3-41.

Guerrini, Mauro. "GMD: Its Function and its History," Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v. 38, no. 2 (2004): 61-74.

Glynn, Tom. "Historical Perspectives on Global Librarianship," in Global Librarianship Kesselman, Martin Alan and Irwin Weintraub, eds. (New York: Marcel Dekker, 2004), pp. 1-17.

Hansson, Joacim. "Hermeneutics as a Bridge between the Modern and the Postmodern in Library and Information Science," Journal of Documentation v. 61, no. 1 (2005): 102-113.

Hemmeter, Jeffrey Andrew. "Three Essays in Public Economics," (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), 2004, 109 pp. [Exams impact of bookstores on operation of public libraries]

Hérubel, Jean-Pierre V.M. "Clio's Dream, or Has the Muse Departed from the Temple? Implications for Library History: A Review Essay," Libraries & Culture 39 (Fall 2004): 429-45.

Hjørland, Birger. "Empiricism, Rationalism and Positivism in Library and Information Science," Journal of Documentation v. 61, no. 1 (2005): 130-55.

Hjørland, Birger. "Afterward: Comments on the Articles and Proposals for Further Work," Journal of Documentation v. 61, no. 1 (2005): 156-63.

Markey, Karen. "Current Educational Trends in the Information and Library Science Curriculum," Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 45 (Fall 2004): 317-39.

McNally, Peter. "Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, McGill University, 1904-2004," Argus 33 (Autumn 2004): 11-16.

Radford, Gary P. and Marie L. Radford. "Structuralism, Post-Structuralism, and the Library: de Saussure and Foucault," Journal of Documentation v. 61, no. 1 (2005): 60-78.

Rayward, W. Boyd and Mary Ellen Bowden, eds. Conference on the History and Heritage of Scientific and Technological Information Systems: Proceedings of the 2002 Conference (Medord, NJ: Published for the American Society of Information Science and Technology and the Chemical Heritage Foundation by InfoToday, Inc., 2004) 440 pp. $45.50 ISBN 1-57387-229-6.

Seldén, Lars. "On Grounded Theory-with Some Malice," Journal of Documentation v. 61, no. 1 (2005): 114-29.

Sundin, Olof and Jenny Johannisson. "Pragmatism, Neo-Pragmatism and Sociocultural Theory: Communicative Participation as a Perspective in LIS," Journal of Documentation v. 61, no. 1 (2005): 23-43.

Sweet, William, ed. The Philosophy of History: A Re-Examination (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004) 268 pp. $90.00 ISBN 0-7546-3170-2.

Talja, Sanna, Kimmo Tuominen, and Reijo Savolainen. "Isms in Information Science: Constructivism, Collectivism and Constructionism," Journal of Documentation v. 61, no. 1 (2005): 79-101.

Volodin, Boris F. Vsemernaya Istoriya Bibliotek (Saint Petersburg: Izd vo Professiya, 2004) 431 pp. ISBN 5-93913-073-9.

Weissinger, Thomas. "Competing Models of Librarianship: Do Core Values Make a Difference?" Journal of Academic Librarianship 29 (January-February 2003): 32-39.

Wikgren, Marianne. "Critical Realism as a Philosophy and Social Theory in Information Science?" Journal of Documentation v. 61, no. 1 (2005): 11-22.

Wilson, Norman. History in Crisis? Recent Direction in Historiography 2nd ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2005) 182 pp. $26.00 ISBN 0-131-83552-1.