Notable IRRT Member


H. Lea Wells

H. Lea Wells

Founder & Principal Jordan Wells Associates Chapel Hill,
North Carolina

IRRT member since: In my heart I became a member in 1976 when I attended my first IRRT international reception while at my first annual conference as a support staff speaker. Perhaps it took a little longer to actually join since I wanted to earn a library degree first.

Most enjoyable international library project/projects:

I have never had an international library project that I did not enjoy immensely because of the people I met and the good will expressed by “library people” in numerous countries. Whether consulting on a new university library in Turkey, facilitating discussion groups in Azerbaijan, speaking in St. Petersburg, attending conferences in Sweden, Australia or elsewhere, and visiting libraries wherever I travel, I’ve met fascinating people who have as their prime objectives sharing information and assisting in the creation of knowledge. Libraries attract good people. Many have become friends over the years.

Three words to new IRRT members: Friends create peace.