Notable IRRT Member


gary strong

Gary Strong

University Librarian,
University of California at Los Angeles

IRRT member since: I have been a member of for over 40 years and joined IRRT at about the same time.

Most enjoyable international library project/projects:

My involvement with international librarianship began during my years as state librarian of California,when I worked with the Partnerships for Change Program in public libraries to concentrate on developing services and library practice for the growing immigrant populations in California. Becoming director of the Queens Library in New York City, which serves a population of more than two million people speaking over one hundred languages, provided me with the platform to practice what I had been preaching— to really develop and deliver public library services to a global population. In creating the International Center for Public Librarianship at Queens, we welcomed professional librarians from around the world; they experienced first-hand the Queens philosophy, and we learned from them how to focus new and expanded services within our own library. Coming to UCLA and working with its expansive global collections and global reach, which serves students, faculty, and scholars locally and internationally, has allowed me to achieve the goals I have wanted. Coupled with broad involvement within IFLA (now serving as a co-opted member of the governing board), I continue to be inspired by my international colleagues and challenged by the goals of advocating for and improving access to knowledge and ideas throughout the world users.

Three words to new IRRT members: Believe in the power and passion of librarianship and open your eyes, ears, and mind to the world.