Notable IRRT Member


sylva natalie manoogian

Sylva Natalie Manoogian

Humphrey Award Recipient 2006
and International Library Consultant, Los Angeles, CA

IRRT member since: The early 1980s

Most enjoyable international library project/projects:

1) Championing the establishment of Armenia's Library Association and participating in its inaugural conference, where I was conferred lifetime membership; 2) Participating as an representative at two South Caucasus library workshops: "Strengthening Library Associations in the South Caucasus," in Tbilisi, Georgia, May 2001, and "Libraries in a Civil Society: Improving Access to Information through University Libraries," in Yerevan, Armenia, September 2002, and 3) Directing the revitalization, virtualization and internationalization of the Calouste Gulbenkian Library (Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem), 1995-current.

Three words to new IRRT members: IMAGINE THE POSSIBLE