Notable IRRT Member


john w. berry

John W. Berry

Executive Director,
NILRC: Network of Illinois Learning Resources in Community Colleges
River Forest, Illinois

IRRT member since : I've been a member of IRRT for over 20 years....

Most enjoyable international library project/projects:

Undoubtedly, it was planning and unveiling the "Campaign for the World's Libraries" in cooperation with IFLA in July-August 2001 with the formal announcement coming at the IFLA Annual Conference and Congress in Boston in August of that year. To date, 34 national or regional libraries or library associations have joined the campaign. As a result of worldwide interest, the logo has been translated into IFLA's official languages (English, French, German, Russian and Spanish) as well as other languages to date, including Arabic, Armenian, Azeri, Bulgarian, Chinese, Georgian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Nepali, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Turkish and Vietnamese. Artwork, information materials and a consumer-oriented video have been translated into Spanish by .

Three words to new IRRT members: Participate, innovate, motivate!