Job Search Strategies


If you plan to attend the Midwinter Meeting or Annual Conference, be sure you come to the JobLIST Placement Center. It will be open on Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. both days. There will be a number of workshops on job search strategies. Visit the Conference Workshops page to get a complete list.

  • An article on things to do while you're waiting to land a job.

  • Want to Succeed in Your Job Search and Interview? Watch Out for These Potential Derailers!

    Dr. Williams describes derailers and gives a list of potential derailers along with ways to overcome them so that none of them keep you from getting that next career opportunity.

  • Other people are getting hired for jobs you might otherwise get, because they're out there competing with creativity and persistence.

  • Two-minute video with job hunting tips.

  • Gives clear, simple tips for job seekers to follow to enhance job search strategies.

  • (brief video)

    Caitlin Williams, a career development consultant and coach in San Jose, California, talked with AL Focus at the 2010 Midwinter Meeting about some important things to keep in mind for job-hunters in this tough economy.

  • Job hunting is tough. But it can teach you great life lessons. This article gives you five positive things to consider.

  • Lists things job seekers can do to gain confidence during a job search.

  • Published by the University of California-Berkeley Career Center

    Includes information on general job search strategies, finding internships, writing resumes and other letters, handling offers, etc.

  • By Katherine O'Chair and Emily Rogers, Published by

  • This is a general Q & A on things to do (and not do) while job hunting.

  • Covers planning and preparation, cover letters, resumes, interviewing, etc.

Last rev. 3/12/12