Library Binding Survey Project Team



This project team completed its work and was retired in February 2023. The group's can be viewed in the Institutional Repository.

Conducts an environmental scan of libraries and library binding vendors on the current state of library binding as a preservation method; identifies common concerns and issues about the future of library binding; gathers and analyzes data about audience needs; and makes recommendations based on this analysis.


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Previous Year / Next Year

Displaying active committee roster as of 07/01/2028. Last retrieved on 09/20/2024. Refresh now.



About this Project Team



  • Survey results and analysis, compilation of major issues facing libraries who use library binding services (Spring 2023);
  • Presentation of the final report at Annual Conference Preservation Interest Group. (Summer 2023);
  • Core Google Drive folder to collect documentation that can be handed off if this group continues after 2023;
  • Recommendations for actions to take at the Core IG level.

Options to be explored

  • Continuing with this survey yearly, every other year, or never again
  • Creating a Library Binding Interest Group within Core Metadata & Collections

Expected Time Commitment

  • Team members will meet twice monthly from March 2022 until completed.
  • Additional time may be needed for research and analysis.

Desired Skills, Knowledge, and Experience

  • Project management skills;
  • Understanding of basic survey design, implementation, and analysis;
  • Ability to present findings in a clear and concise manner both in writing and in person.