Committee on Cataloging: Asian and African Materials (CC:AAM)



  • Considers all aspects of issues in the bibliographic organization of materials issued in or dealing with Africa and Asia, with the exception of Asiatic Russia.
  • Reviews the use of the various current or upcoming cataloging codes for describing materials written in non-alphabetic scripts or non-Latin scripts used in these areas and makes recommendations concerning them to the Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA)
  • Nominates two members to the -LC Romanization Tables and support participation in the of languages that are written in a non-Latin script, for use in library catalogs
  • Considers topics in the bibliographic description of materials issued in these areas, especially those deriving from non-western publishing traditions, and makes recommendations concerning them to CC:DA.
  • Considers issues in establishing the form of authorized access points for names of entities in these areas and makes recommendations concerning them to CC:DA.
  • Considers issues in established classification systems as they relate to these areas and makes recommendations for change to the appropriate body for each classification system through the Subject Analysis Committee (SAC).
  • Considers issues in subject vocabularies for materials dealing with these areas and makes recommendations for change to the bodies responsible for specific lists of subjects through SAC.
  • Communicates findings to the library profession through committee reports, articles in professional journals, and any other channels that seem feasible or desirable.
  • Provides programming for , either virtually or in person, on topics relevant to this committee as opportunity arises.


Ms. Mary A. Burns
(Member, July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2026)
Ms. Charlotte Lin Cotter
(Member, July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2026)
Hassan Mortada
(Mideast Specialist, July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2026)
Contact Core
(Staff, January 24, 2024, to June 30, 2050)

Displaying active committee roster as of 07/01/2025. Last retrieved on 09/19/2024. Refresh now.





A chair and a minimum of eight members not including interns. Must include one specialist in Africa, Middle East, East Asia, South-East Asia, South Asia and 3 generalists. Additional members are liaison to CC:DA, liaison from LC, and liaison from OCLC.


Specialists represent an area studies' cataloging community by:

  1. keeping the members of the area studies community informed of activities relating to descriptive and subject cataloging;
  2. consulting members of the area studies community on relevant issues that come before CC:AAM;
  3. contributing the specialist's knowledge and opinions, as well as that of the represented community, to CC:AAM discussions;
  4. reporting cataloging activities of the area studies community to CC:AAM; and
  5. participating in CC:AAM Task Forces.


Generalists provide a perspective from the non-specialist cataloging community by:

  1. commenting, when appropriate, upon the implications for the general cataloging community of cataloging issues related to Asian and African materials;
  2. contributing the generalist's knowledge and opinions to CC:AAM discussions; and,
  3. participating in CC:AAM Task Forces.
About this Committee



  • Makes a continuing assessment of the state of the art and suggest the direction of change in the field of descriptive cataloging
  • Reviews the use of the various ISBD's for describing materials written in non-alphabetic scripts or non-roman alphabets used in these areas and make recommendations concerning them to the committee on cataloging: description and access
  • Reviews tables for Romanization of languages used in these areas that are written in a non-roman script, for use in library catalogs
  • Transmits the approved tables through the official liaison to the appropriate agency
  • Considers problems in the bibliographic description of materials issued in these areas, especially those deriving from non-western publishing traditions, and to make recommendations concerning them to the Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access
  • Considers problems in establishing the form of heading for names of persons and of corporate bodies in these areas and make recommendations concerning them to the Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access
  • Considers problems in established classification systems as they relate to these areas and make recommendations for change to the appropriate body for each classification system through the subject analysis committee
  • Considers problems in subject headings for materials dealing with these areas and to make recommendations for change to the bodies responsible for specific lists of subject headings through the subject analysis committee
  • Communicates findings to the library profession through committee reports, articles in professional journals, and any other channels that seem feasible or desirable

Expected Time Commitment

  • Holds 3-4 virtual meetings per year

Desired Skills, Knowledge, and Experience

  • Interest or knowledge/experience in cataloging
  • Familiarity with and/or international cataloging organization