Buildings and Operations Section Leadership Team



Manages the Core Buildings and Operations Section.


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Displaying active committee roster as of 07/01/2018. Last retrieved on 09/20/2024. Refresh now.



About this Committee



  • Leadership and ongoing communication both within the section and between the section and Core leadership/other sections
  • Annual plan for section content development and projects
  • Appointments to section committees as needed
  • Recommendations for representatives to groups and/or external groups, as needed

Expected Time Commitment

  • 4-6 virtual meetings a year
  • Minimum of 2 hours a month to read emails and respond to committee chairs, section members, etc.

Desired Skills, Knowledge, and Experience

  • Interest or experience in access and equity
  • Interest or experience in leadership, project management, team building and communication
  • An understanding of section projects and interests, preferably through service on a section committee